Releases: umaranis/svelte-lexical
Releases Β· umaranis/svelte-lexical
- feat: default shell theme included in the library (svelte-lexical/dist/themes/default)
- feat: export functions for importing and exporting markdown
- feat: functions for importing and exporting HTML
- perf: remove unused styles
- bug: on Safari, the toolbar drop-down stops showing up when the toolbar overflows - fix #87
- bug: dropdown displays behind the backdrop of insert column layout dialog
- bug: Code Action Menu doesn't show up for any theme other than playground
- bug: update table action buttons to use theme-specific classes
- build: use pnpm 9 in the pipeline
New Features
- breaking:
is upgraded to Svelte 5 - feat: include editor theme in the library
- bug: image caption button - when focused, enter and escape keys do not work
- bug: editor loses focus after inserting image
- build: upgrade to ESLint version 9 with the new config file format
- test: 36 new tests for table plugin
- test: upgrade playwright to the latest version
- test: fix async bug in test helper
- test: tests having to load images fail when run from VSCode starting Playwright version 1.44.0 (fix #102)
- test: rename CI jobs for better readability
- docs: update more examples page
New Features
- feat: table support
- feat: add row and column buttons on table hover
- feat: enhance Insert Table Dialog with close button and improved layout
- feat: Table Menu for add row/column, delete, merge, cell color etc.
- feat: Action bar button to toggle editor read-only mode
- bug: exception when turning debug view off and on #94
- bug: readonly editor but enabled toolbar buttons
- bug: editor loses focus after insert
- test: tag flaky tests and sort attributes
- build: support for pnpm version 9
See more details at
New Features
- feat: Column Layout plugin to arrange content in columns (thanks to @Sulkar)
- feat: add text color and background color pickers to toolbar (@umaranis)
- feat: upgrade to lexical 0.17.0 from 0.14.5
- feat: show image error UI when image loading fails
- feat: theme class added to horizontal rule node
- feat: image captions can now be disabled
- bug: can't remove link formatting from Auto Link
- bug: insert an image inside another image's caption
- bug: fix auto link node escapes on second "."
- bug: support pasting Google Doc checklist
- bug: changing font size does not take effect when clicking in the editor after change
- bug: fix Auto Link styles on creation
- bug: crash when heading or quote is selected for clear formatting
- bug: with block decorator nodes error on indent
- bug: Prismjs causing issues with dev build when npm is used #85
- bug: code block doesn't render properly with small width editor
- test: a lot of new tests
- test: add more parallelism to tests running in CI
- test: exclude legacy events tests in CI except chromium on windows
See more details at
New Features
- feat: MardownShortcutPlugin - Create a markdown shortcuts plugin
- feat: clear formatting command
- feat: subscript and superscript support
- feat: show empty paragraph formatting in dev tool
- feat: toolbar - move Strikethrough into more formatting drop down
- feat: support SvelteKit for
- feat: allow transformers to be specified when defining Markdown Shortcuts Plugin
- feat: upgrade lexical from 0.14.2 to 0.14.5
- perf: build size reduced by ~10kb after lexical ESM changes
- bug: prettier v3 async not working with synchronous lexical update calls; also required estree plugin
- bug: wrong logic for FloatingLinkEditorPlugin bad node
- bug: Numbered list does not increment in ImageNode caption
- bug: respect CSS zoom
- bug: return unregister callback from onMount
- bug: fix bulletting a node selection
- bug: Unbullet one list item not the whole list
- bug: support multiple windows
- bug: Preserve bullet item indent on newline
- test: passing tests increased from 137 to 287
- test: fix strike through test
- docs: new examples
- docs: list of plugins
- docs: react to svelte porting tips are moved under porting plugins page
- build: CI action script version upgrade to 4
- build: upgrade y-websocket to v1.5.4
- build: include @lexical/text as dependency after ESM fix
- build: move plantext-editor and richtext-editor packages to vite 5
- build: import 'IS_' and 'CAN_*' environment constants from @lexical/utils
Breaking Changes
- breaking: upgrade to sveltekit 2
- breaking: upgrade to vite 5
- breaking: port svelte-lexical package from rollup to vite
New Features
- feat: upgrade to lexical 0.14.2 from 0.11.2
- feat: Font Size entry control
- feat: Floating link editor for AutoLinkNode and conversion to LinkNode once modified
- fest: Meta + Click opens a link in new window
- feat: right click select images
- feat: Support HTML export overrides from config for nested editors
- feat: allow overriding HTML serialization behavior from the editor config
- feat: add nodes replacement support for nested composer
Build and Test
- build: upgrade to prettier 3 (supports ESM)
- build: setup prettier for playground package
- build: upgrade node version to 18 in CI
- build: remove dependency on @lexical/text as ESM build not working
- build: missing exports condition warning
- build: fix eslint warning post upgrade
- test: fix failing tests after upgrade
- test: move from jest to vitest
- perf: increase the size limit on playground from 162kb to 170kb
- perf: move to native UUID
Bug Fixes
- bug: allow setting className for checklist in theme
- bug: Edit Link modal fix when link and extra text is selected
- bug: Make autolinks work for formatted text
- bug: link address is not shown if comment is set
- bug: floating formatter toolbar position
- bug: dispatching undo & redo states for collaboration
- bug: divider not showing in dropdown
- bug: fix Double Deletion on Backspace
- bug: prevent file:/// img conversion
- bug: image resizer fix
- bug: add selection adjustments for node removal
- breaking change: upgrade to svelte 4
- feat: new logo for svelte-lexical
- feat: added trash button to floatingLinkEditor plugin to remove the link
- feat: Add a title to the link node to support titles in markdown
- feat: Allow excluding specific properties from collab syncing via plugin
- feat: View DOM HTML in Debug Tree View
- feat: Add keyboard shortcut for adding hyperlinks
- bug: misaligned drop down menus for sveltekit project #56
- bug: fix unresponsive resize handle in Safari
- bug: Editing a link and changing selection shows wrong link value
- bug: toggle link using keyboard shortcut doesn't clear the link
- bug: insert link through toolbar or shortcut doesn't open floating editor in edit mode
- test: lot of new tests and update to existing tests
- perf: size limit for library
- feat: upgrade to Lexical 0.11.1
- feat: sticky toolbar to assist in editing large content
- test: a number of new tests
- feat: Floating link editor - better positioning
- fix: opening dropdown submits forms
- refactor: Composer.getEditor() for easy access to editor for library users
- feat: upgrade to lexical 0.9.0
- feat: apply node transform not only to the original node but also to the overriding node
- feat: set the update tag from yjs based on the origin
- feat: allow users to customise the indentation of tabs
- feat: add style properties to RangeSelection in Debug TreeView
- feat: remove floating toolbars on mobile devices
- feat: enable use of other providers for collaboration
- feat: add command logging into debug tree view
- feat: improved link editor UX
- bug: styling tweaks to better accommodate long urls
- bug: sveltekit dev build error about import of y-websocket
- bug: static image path change due to upgrade of svelte/vite
- test: add fixme annotation to flaky collab tests (lexical)