Connect to redis:
require 'em-hiredis'
redis = EM::Hiredis.connect
Or, connect to redis with a redis URL (for a different host, port, password, DB)
redis = EM::Hiredis.connect("redis://:[email protected]:9000/4")
The client is a deferrable which succeeds when the underlying connection is established so you can bind to this. This isn't necessary however - any commands sent before the connection is established (or while reconnecting) will be sent to redis on connect.
redis.callback { puts "Redis now connected" }
All redis commands are available without any remapping of names
redis.set('foo', 'bar').callback {
redis.get('foo').callback { |value|
p [:returned, value]
As a shortcut, if you're only interested in binding to the success case you can simply provide a block to any command
redis.get('foo') { |value|
p [:returned, value]
All commands return a deferrable. In the case that redis replies with an error (for example you called a hash operation against a set), or in the case that the redis connection is broken before the command returns, the deferrable will fail. If you care about the failure case you should bind to the errback - for example:
redis.sadd('aset', 'member').callback {
response_deferrable = redis.hget('aset', 'member')
response_deferrable.errback { |e|
p e # => #<RuntimeError: ERR Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value>
This example should explain things. Once a redis connection is in a pubsub state, you must make sure you only send pubsub commands.
redis = EM::Hiredis.connect
subscriber = EM::Hiredis.connect
subscriber.on(:message) { |channel, message|
p [:message, channel, message]
subscriber.on(:pmessage) { |key, channel, message|
p [:pmessage, key, channel, message]
EM.add_periodic_timer(1) {
redis.publish("bar.#{rand(2)}", "hello").errback { |e|
p [:publisherror, e]
Hacking on em-hiredis is pretty simple, make sure you have Bundler installed:
gem install bundler
To run all the tests:
bundle exec rake
To run an individual test:
bundle exec rspec spec/redis_commands_spec.rb
Many thanks to the em-redis gem for getting this gem bootstrapped with some tests.