This is the Git-Hub repository of the LASTIG reading-group, where you can find the program and slides.
- When : 1 week out of 2 on Thursday at 10:30 am.
- Where : on-site and remote
This repo is where are stored the slides (pdf) of the reading group sessions. If your slides are here, it means that we have asked explicitly if it could be so. Otherwise you can contact the lab or the organizing team to get it removed.
If your presentation describes a precise scientific article, you can send us the URL of the paper to complete the program.
- Martin Cubaud, Interpretability of a multi-source Land Use classification machine learning model using a SHAP approach
- Florent Geniet, Editing Watertight Manifold Polyhedra using Face Shifts with Automatic Topological Updates and Edge Flips
- Probably cancelled because of LASTIG Moving at Champs-sur-Marne.
- Georges Le Bellier
- Charly Bernard and Solenn Tual
- Cancelled because of LASTIG Newcommers seminar (that has been cancelled also...)
- Raphaël Bres (répétition de soutenance de thèse)
- Jiangying Qin (Wuhan University)
- Melvin Hersent (MAP/LASTIG)
- Samy Guembour, Désambiguïsation des mots polysémiques de la ville dans des romans de science-fiction
- Vera Gotze, Capturing land policy effects with spatial analysis. A Comparison of densification patterns in Utrecht and Bern
- Bérénice Le Mao, Explore maps as you read a comic book
- Laura Wenclik, EyeCatchingMaps, a Dataset to Assess Saliency Models on Maps
- Florent Geniet, Prototype of a 3D polyedral modeler
- Paul Chapron, Resilience and stability of ecological systems - an awesome paper by C.S. Holling
- Amine Boussik, Recalage des données hétérogènes et reconstruction 3D du territoire
- Chahine-Nicolas Zede, Reconnaissance de lieux à grande échelle à partir de nuages de points
- Bruno Vallet, Propositions de la mission sur le mixte technologique de l'acquisition de données
- John-Andrew Dawson, Modeling and computation of Resilient Routes in Mountains areas (InForOutProject)
Cancelled because of public holiday
- Alexane Nghien, Atmospheric correction of very high spatial resolution images using multispectral satellite images
- Maieul Gruget, Exploration de la théorie de l’ancrage pour les cartes pan-scalaires
- Martin Cubaud, Deep Learning For Time Series Classification
- Rebecca Slattery, Modeling red fox movements : Assess the potential consequences of land use changes on the movements of red foxes in the Greater Nancy Metropolis
- Gil Manfrin, The Spatial Discrimination of Nomadics Populations In France
Cancelled because of UGE-IGN-ENSG research day. Next reading group will be the 11/04
- Juste Raimbault, Multiscalar models for systems of cities
- Karim Kassab, Exploring 3D-aware Latent Spaces for Efficiently Learning Numerous Scenes
- Charly Bernard, Création d'un référentiel géo-historiques d'adresses à partir de sources multiples
- Wu Teng, Multimodal processing on various types of data
- Raphaël Bres, VGI road network evolution from a user’s point of view
- Solenn Tual, Création de graphes géohistoriques à partir des annuaires du commerce parisien du 19ème siècle