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mika edited this page Apr 5, 2024
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- Download latest Release, UNZIP it and run UnityLauncher.exe (there is no installer, its standalone executable)
- If you cannot start exe, need to Unblock it first. Right click on the Exe file, Select Properties and Check [x] Unblock box and press Apply
- On the first run, go to Settings Tab
- Assign "Unity Installation Parent Folders". This is list of folders, under which your Unity installations are located
- Launcher will then search for any "YourParentFolder\UnityXYZ\Editor\Unity.exe"-files
- For example: if you have installed Unity versions under "C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor" or "C:\Program Files", Browse and Add that "root" folder (you can add multiple folders, if you have unity versions installed on other drives)
- Example image: I have unity installation folders below these locations
- Return/Enter: Open selected project
- ESC: Clear search
- F5: Refresh. (Depends on current tab. Refresh project/editor/updates list)
- F2: Rename project title (only if enabled in settings)
- Alt+E : Open Explorer for current recent project or editor folder
- ALT+Q : Kill selected project Unity (if it was launched from here)
- Hold Left Shift Down : When opening project from Explorer, to force Unity Version select window open (useful if you want to see what version this project is, or want to upgrade it and its not in recent projects list)
- Search project path also : Search matches from project path, useful if want to search by folder name
- Enable Project title rename F2 : Doesn't rename actual file project folder, but saves custom title in ProjectSettings/ProjectName.txt
- Show current target platform : Shows platform column in project list
- Enable platform selection : enables dropdown in the project list to switch platform
- Show commandline arguments column : Shows olumn for custom project commandline params
- Show git branch column : Shows column for project git branch info and option for "Check for Plastic branch"
- Ask name for New Project : If disabled, uses automatic quick project naming
- Show projects that don't exist on disk : List in recent projects, even if the project folder is missing (useful for remembering where you had the project that was moved elsewhere in folders)
Project name:
- Folder or ProjectName.txt : Takes project title from project folder, or from if ProjectSettings/ProjectName.txt if it exists
- Settings ProductName : Takes project title from Project player settings ProductName field
- Maximum Recent projects count : Original Unity limit was 40 recent projects, projects over that are saved into app settings
- Use Init script for new projects : Your init file (must be inside application /Script/ folder) https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityInitializeProject and https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityLauncherPro/wiki/Initialize-Project-Script
- Root Folder for New Projects : When you click "Create Project" in main page, new project is generated under this path+UnityVersion (eg. /2017a/)
- WebGL Relative Build Path (inside Builds/) : For running webgl server on selected project, you can set additional folder where your webgl builds usually are, so that browser will automatically open the build index.html
- Use human friendly last modified date : Displays last modified date as "9 minutes ago, 2 days ago" etc.
- Date format : set your custom date formatting string here (textbox is colored red, if its invalid) See reference.
- Load custom theme : You can set your custom theme file here https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityLauncherPro/wiki/Custom-themes
- Minimize to tray : When window is minimized, hides application into taskbar icon area
- Close after opening project : Closes launcher after running project (not really useful)
- Close after launching from Explorer : Close launcher after running from commandline or Explorer (recommended)
- Allow single instance only : Activates already running instance, instead of starting new exe (not working if app is minimized in taskbar)
- Streamer mode : Hide project names and folders (if you are recording your desktop view for example)
- Register Explorer context menu : Install registry entry for Explorer context menu (Recommended, it helps a lot)
- Run this app automatically on startup : adds registry entry to run at start (and optionally as minimized)
- Initial webgl server port : When launching unity local webglserver, uses this port, if not available then +1
- Shortcut .bat files folder : If you create shortcut for project, .bat launch files are saved here
- ABD args: ADB commandline arguments
- Patch Hub editors.json : If want to install modules from Unity Hub https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityLauncherPro/issues/23
- Maximum recent projects count : How many recent projects you want to keep (Unity Hub maximum is 40)
This is needed, if you want to use the 1-click ADB Logcat button
- Type Environment in Windows start menu to open "Edit the system environment variables"
- Click "Environment variables"
- System variables, select "PATH", click EDIT
- Click NEW, browse for your ADB folder (if you have installed it manually, it can be like C:\sdk\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools")
- Save, close those windows
- Restart UnityLauncherPRO
- If you install all your Unity Editors under single folder, scanning the editors at startup could be faster (since every folder inside "installation folders" is checked if it contains unity.exe), so try using "c:\program files\U\unity2022_1" instead of default "c:\program files\unity2022_1", so then only folders inside "c:\program files\U*" are scanned for editors.