Releases: universityofadelaide/shepherd-drupal-project
Releases · universityofadelaide/shepherd-drupal-project
Upstream scaffold updates
Drupal 8.8
1.4.0 Bump to Drupal 8.8 and fix issue with module renaming.
Drupal core 8.6.1
Updates Drupal core and associated dependencies.
Config management
Adds drupal/drush-cmi-tools and webflo/drupal-core-require-dev.
Standard dependencies are updated.
Updated scaffold strategy
1.0.2 Updated composer json to reflect new shepherd-scaffold strat.
Create settings files and include local config
1.0.1 Create config files from default config files. Include settings.local…
Consolidated scaffold
1.0.0 Fixed shepherd scaffold dep version to be ~1.0.