To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
import nearclientios
class ViewController: UIViewController, WalletSignInDelegate {
private var walletAccount: WalletAccount?
private var near: Near?
override func viewDidLoad() {
let keyStore = KeychainKeyStore(keychain: .init(service: "example.keystore"))
let config = NearConfig(
networkId: "testnet", // "default" for mainnet
nodeUrl: URL(string: "")!, // "" for mainnet
masterAccount: nil,
keyPath: nil,
helperUrl: nil,
initialBalance: nil,
providerType: .jsonRPC(URL(string: "")!), // "" for mainnet
signerType: .inMemory(keyStore),
keyStore: keyStore,
contractName: nil,
walletUrl: "" // "" for mainnet
near = try Near(config: config)
walletAccount = try! WalletAccount(near: near!, authService: DefaultAuthService.shared) // a failed try here represents a configuration error, not a runtime error. It's safe to store a `WalletAccount!`.
let appName = ?? "signInTitle"
DefaultAuthService.shared.walletSignIn = self
try! await walletAccount!.requestSignIn(contractId: nil, title: appName, presentingViewController: self)
func completeSignIn(url: URL) async {
try! await walletAccount?.completeSignIn(url: url) {
//do any additional UI work on the main thread after sign in is complete
nearclientios makes use of Swift's async/await and thus requires iOS 13.
nearclientios is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'nearclientios'
nearclientios is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.