Hello and Welcome
I am sharing some of the most recommended and awesome URLs must to have for a Front-end Developer
Bootstrap (CSS Libraries)
- getbootstrap.com
- mdbootstrap.com
- creative-tim.com (many frameworks)
- material-ui.com
- codepen.io
- tympanus.net
- codyhouse.co/library
Image Hosting Sites
- stocksnap.io
- unsplash.com
- rawpixel.com
- freepik.com
Color Pickers
- colorwise.io
- flatuicolorpicker.com
- color-hex.com
- uigradients.com
Vector Icons
- fontawesome.com
- feathericons.com
- neucleoapp.com
Web Fonts
- fonts.google.com
- typekit.com
Animation Libraries
- animejs.com
- animista.net
- wowjs.uk
- daneden.github.io/animate.css
This repository is open for all to contribute and would be updated timely!!!ß