PWSkills Data Science Masters assignment - Utkarsh Gaikwad
- Create Repository on GitHub with gitignore as python and license as GNU
- Create empty folder on local system
- In VS Studio Code open terminal and use command: git clone "link" "local"
- Make python virtual environment with command: python -m venv "local/venv"
- create a requirements.txt file in which add dependencies like numpy, pandas etc
- press ctrl+shift+p to Select python interpreter and select path local/venv/scripts/python.exe
- restart the terminal of VS Code
- (venv) should appear in front of local path now. Use command : pip install -r requirements.txt
- Now add files / folders in local system .
- git add .
- git commit -m "message"
- git status
- git push origin main
.\venv\Scripts\activate.bat or ctrl + shift + p and give python interpreter path and start new terminal