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HTTP connection library to consume REST APIs in structured way with automatic support for offline data.


Step 1: Add to project level build.gradle

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

Step 2: Add to app level build.gradle

dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.utsavdotpro:ConnectionLibrary:VERSION'

How to use?

Create Helper Class

You need to create a helper class that configures the Connection and provides callbacks for all events.

Expand: ConnectionHelper.kt
import android.content.Context
import com.isolpro.library.connection.Connection

class ConnectionHelper<T>(private val ctx: Context, private val classType: Class<T>) : Connection<T>() {
	override var config: Config = Config("API_BASE_ENDPOINT")

	override fun getContext(): Context {
		return ctx;

	override fun showLoader() {
		TODO("Write your function for showing loader")

	override fun hideLoader() {
		TODO("Write your function for hiding loader")

	override fun handleOnRequestCreated(endpoint: String, data: Any?) {
		TODO("Access the request endpoint and data")

	override fun handleOnResponseReceived(data: String?) {
		TODO("This is triggered everytime your receive a response, implement your logger")

	override fun handleOnNoResponseError() {
		TODO("Handle when nothing is received as response")

	override fun handleOnOfflineDataUnsupported() {
		TODO("Handle when the request made, doesn't store offline data")

	override fun handleOnOfflineDataUnavailable() {
		TODO("Handle when the request made, store offline data but doesn't have anything cache yet")

	override fun handleOnError(e: Exception) {
		TODO("Handle all other errors")

	override fun getClassType(): Class<T> {
		return classType;

Create Models

While you are free to structure your requests in any way you like, we suggest to create model classes for all your data.

Expand Example Model
class Post {
	val userId: Number = 0;
	val id: Number = 0;
	val title: String = "";
	val body: String = "";

Create Services

We also suggest to create service class with all request functions required for the data model.

Expand Example Service
object PostService {

	fun getPosts(ctx: Context): Connection<Post> {
		return ConnectionHelper(ctx,

	fun createPost(ctx: Context, post: Post): Connection<Post> {
		return ConnectionHelper(ctx,


Making the Request

Once you have created your models and services, making a request is a piece of cake

  • Simple Request

  • Request with Callbacks

     	.success {
     		TODO("Use your data from $it")
     		// use $it.userId to get userId from Post 
     	.failure {
     		TODO("Let user know that the request has failed")

And you're done ✅

Enable Offline Mode

To make a request to start caching data for offline usage, just pass a unique offlineEndpoint . Not to be used with data creation/modification requests.

When fetching a list of items


When fetching a single item (pass the unique item it as second parameter)

	.offlineEndpoint("posts", postId)

Recommended attributes for offlineEndpoint

  • should be unique
  • avoid using any symbols
  • cannot be empty (empty indicates that request doesn't support offline mode)

And you're done ✅

| See sample app


  • Easy to use
  • Easy to customize & configure
  • Automated offline mode
  • Simple file structure: Create models & services
  • Syntax similar to modern programming notions