Major Changes
- Assets have been split into its own package (InstaGibPlusAssets_v2.u) to reduce size of updates
- This package needs to be installed on servers as well
- Added Input Replication Netcode
- More accurate replication of player movement
- Does not support controller input
- Could be incompatible with other mods
- Added NetStats display
- Can show 2 of the following
- Ping (Round-Trip-Time) of Client -> Server -> Client
- Location error between client and server
- Frame time
- Can show 2 of the following
- Added enhanced splash damage
- Can be enabled on a per-weapon basis, defaults off (thanks @w0ss4g3)
- Can handle up to 90° turns
- Splash that wraps around corners (so no direct line of sight to explosion) can be reduced
- Enhanced splash uses shortest distance to collision cylinder, instead of shortest distance to collision cylinder center
- Compatibility for Assault added by @Sizzl
- Added Enhanced Headshot Detection to Sniper Rifle and Ripper
- Can be toggled per-weapon, defaults off
- Collision cylinder is cut into two sub-cylinders each with its own height and radius
- Height of Head cylinder can be configured, height of Body cylinder is derived from it
- Radius of Head cylinder can be configured, radius of Body cylinder is that of collision cylinder
- The two sub-cylinders are stacked, head is centrally above body cylinder
- This also supports ping-compensated Sniper Rifle
- Added "ping compensation" to shock balls shot by the local player
- Can be enabled, defaults off
- Added various new weapon-specific settings
- Damage of Flak Chunks can now be configured to fall off
- Flak primary fire can now be configured (server-side) to use a fixed pattern, at the cost of 1 less chunk fired (8 -> 7)
- Shock Ball can now be configured to not delete Flak chunks or slugs
- Shock Ball can now be configured to not absorb bullets shot at it, allowing them to pass through instead
- Shock Ball can now be configured to be destroyed when enough Pulse Gun or Bio Rifle projectiles have been shot at it
- Super Shock Rifle beam can now be configured (client-side) to not emit lights
- Pulse Gun fire rate can now be configured
- Pulse Gun fire rate is now tick rate independent
- Integrated the ImprovedInvi mutator by @rxut into IG+
- Added setting to control carcass collision, defaults on
- Integrate AutoPause settings into IG+ server settings
- Overhauled Hit Feedback to work with Bots
- Added setting HitFeedbackMode to restrict feedback to hits on visible targets
- Added FireTimeout, a server setting to discard out-of-date ping-compensated shots
- Netcode defaults changed
: True -> FalsebEnableLoosePositionCheck
: True -> FalsebEnableJitterBounding
: True -> False
- Location Offset Fix has received multiple bugfixes
- Restore compatibility with UT v436 for clients
- Servers still need UT v469a or later
- Fix indexed forced skins
- Improve ping compensated spawning on listen servers
- Fix ping compensated Sniper Rifle performing two traces (essentially shooting a second time)
- Restore boost when leaving water to original strength
- Hide light of respawn effect if effect is not visible
- Fix Flak chunks dealing damage when laying on the ground
- Automatically recorded demo is now stopped two seconds after the game has ended
- Fix dodging sometimes locking players to the ground preventing further dodges
- Fix Sniper Rifle zooming in unintentionally
- Center female models within collision cylinder
- Hit sounds are now loaded eagerly, avoiding lags during gameplay
- Rockets loaded no longer fire upon death
- Negative numbers can now be entered as offsets for crosshair layers
- Crosshair layer scale can now be non-integer numbers
- Fix ping compensated Sniper Rifle shots sometimes penetrating through paper-thin walls
- Sniper Rifle now shoots 10x further
- Super Shock Rifle beam settings now apply to shots fired by bots
- Fix hit marker not showing correctly on some renderers
- Fix Pulse beam not dealing damage when shot at the top of collision cylinders
- Maximum armor shown is no longer limited to 150
- Fix Sniper Rifle not triggering movers
- Fix armor going above 150
- Fix crouching after leaving water
I don't say this often enough, but IG+ is not just me tinkering away. It is a project kept alive by feedback from players, server admins and anyone else contributing to its development, whether that be suggestions, bug reports, or the occasional nasty-gram with usable feedback. Thank you all.
A special Thank You goes to @w0ss4g3, @rxut, @Sizzl and @BerserkerBG for their contributions to IG+.