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A dotnet WebApplication template that uses Stencil.js for the frontend


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Dotnet WebAPI with Stencil.js SPA Middleware Template

This project template provides a starting point for building a .NET WebAPI application integrated with a Stencil.js-based Single Page Application (SPA). It includes middleware for running the Stencil development server during development and serving the static files during production.


  • API and SPA Integration: Combines WebAPI endpoints with a modern Stencil.js frontend.
  • Development Server Support: Seamlessly proxies requests to the Stencil.js development server during development.
  • Production-Ready Setup: Serves static files from a specified wwwroot directory in production.
  • TypeScript Client Generation: Automatically generates TypeScript clients for the API controllers.

Using the template

To install the template, run dotnet new install Eraware.StencilWebApiTemplate

To create a project using the template, create a folder using whatever project name you would like, then inside that folder run dotnet new webapi-stencil-starter.

Alternatively you can use -n to name your project and -o to set the output folder. Ex dotnet new webapi-stencil-starter -n MyProject -o ./MyProject

Then inside the folder simply run dotnet watch and you can start coding both the backend and frontent while enjoying live-reload and HMR.

If you prefer a Visual Studio workflow you can simply open the project file and Visual Studio will propose making it a solution.

Using the Stencil SPA Middleware

The middleware makes it easy to integrate a Stencil.js SPA into your application. It proxies requests during development to the Stencil.js development server and serves static files in production.


To use the middleware:

  1. Add the services and the middleware to your app's startup logic :

     if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())
         app.UseSpa(spa =>
             spa.Options.SourcePath = "wwwroot/www";
  2. Create your stencil app at wwwroot/www.

  3. Run dotnet watch and enjoy live-reload.

  4. Modify your APIs and get automatic client classes in typescript generated upon build.