How this React SpringBoot project works
To start use./gradlew bootRun
Be careful with yarn build
because it will remove all files in spring boot src/main/resources/static/
Can setup different path(in and if you have some extra files you need to keep.
Create Spring gradle spring-boot-starter-data-rest project
package ru.varren; import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; @SpringBootApplication public class App { public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } }
Create react project
npm install -g create-react-app create-react-app frontend cd frontend/
- Comment out
for now.
- Comment out
Setup spring configuration
@Configuration public class Config implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) { ResourceResolver resolver = new ReactResourceResolver(); registry.addResourceHandler("/**") .resourceChain(true) .addResolver(resolver); } public class ReactResourceResolver implements ResourceResolver { // this is the same directory you are using // in package.json "build-spring-linux", // example REACT_DIR/index.html private static final String REACT_DIR = "/static/"; // this is directory inside REACT_DIR for react static files // example REACT_DIR/REACT_STATIC_DIR/js/ // example REACT_DIR/REACT_STATIC_DIR/css/ private static final String REACT_STATIC_DIR = "static"; private Resource index = new ClassPathResource(REACT_DIR + "index.html"); private List<String> rootStaticFiles = Arrays.asList("", "asset-manifest.json", "manifest.json", "service-worker.js"); @Override public Resource resolveResource(HttpServletRequest request, String requestPath, List<? extends Resource> locations, ResourceResolverChain chain) { return resolve(requestPath, locations); } @Override public String resolveUrlPath(String resourcePath, List<? extends Resource> locations, ResourceResolverChain chain) { Resource resolvedResource = resolve(resourcePath, locations); if (resolvedResource == null) { return null; } try { return resolvedResource.getURL().toString(); } catch (IOException e) { return resolvedResource.getFilename(); } } private Resource resolve(String requestPath, List<? extends Resource> locations) { System.out.println(requestPath); if (requestPath == null) return null; if (rootStaticFiles.contains(requestPath) || requestPath.startsWith(REACT_STATIC_DIR)) { return new ClassPathResource(REACT_DIR + requestPath); } else return index; } } }
withyarn build-spring-linux
classpath "com.moowork.gradle:gradle-node-plugin:1.2.0"
gradle pluginnode { // If true, it will download node using above parameters. // If false, it will try to use globally installed node. download = true // Set the work directory where node_modules should be located nodeModulesDir = file("${project.projectDir}/frontend") } // build react with webpack task webpack(type: YarnTask, dependsOn: yarn) { inputs.files(fileTree("${project.projectDir}/frontend/")) outputs.dir("${project.projectDir}/src/main/resources/static/") args = ['build'] } // copy react build to spring resourses task moveJStoSpring(type: Copy) { from "${project.projectDir}/frontend/build/" into "${project.projectDir}/src/main/resources/static/" } moveJStoSpring.dependsOn 'webpack' processResources.dependsOn 'moveJStoSpring'
Can comment out
processResources.dependsOn 'webpack'
or implement some debug/production logic if you don't want gradle to recompile javascipt on each spring boot start