A Neovim plugin for interacting with sapf.
- Start sapf.:SapfKill
- Kill sapf.:SapfStop
- Send stop to sapf.:SapfClear
- Send clear to sapf.:SapfEvalParagraph
- Evaluate the current paragraph.:SapfStopAndEval
- Send stop and evaluate the current paragraph.:SapfRunMultiple
- Evaluate multiple paragraphs.:SapfFunctionHelp
- Get help for the function under the cursor.
config = function()
interpreter = "sapf", -- path to sapf
debug = false,
window = {
width = 0.4,
position = "right",
buffer = {
syntax_highlighting = false, -- toggle syntax highlighting in REPL (uses Scheme highlighting)
keys = {
{ "<leader>on", "<cmd>SapfStart<cr>", desc = "Start Sapf" },
{ "<leader>ok", "<cmd>SapfKill<cr>", desc = "Kill Sapf" },
{ "<leader>os", "<cmd>SapfStop<cr>", desc = "Send Stop Message" },
{ "<leader>oc", "<cmd>SapfClear<cr>", desc = "Send Clear Message" },
{ "<leader>oe", "<cmd>SapfEvalParagraph<cr>", desc = "Evaluate Paragraph" },
{ "<leader>om", "<cmd>SapfRunMultiple<cr>", desc = "Run Multiple Paragraphs" },
{ "<leader>or", "<cmd>SapfStopAndEval<cr>", desc = "Send Stop and Reeval" },
{ "<leader>oh", "<cmd>SapfFunctionHelp<cr>", desc = "Function Help" },