uFull - Chrome Extension to turn Youtube/Vimeo/Facebook/DailyMotion videos to full screen within browser
- name Vasu Jain
- email [email protected]
- date 04/03/15
- license Gnu Public License (GPL)
How often have you felt a need to maximize Youtube/Vimeo/Facebook/DailyMotion player to full of browser not the full of screen. Yep, i wanted that and didn't find anything, so got this one out. Simply click the extension while watching a Youtube/Vimeo/Facebook/DailyMotion video and it will maximize it to full screen if its a valid URL.
Example youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRo9RcE65lo this video will be maximized by using the Extension.
Url like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lRcfg_XUfQ to ==> https://www.youtube.com/embed/5lRcfg_XUfQ
Last week while watching i felt if i could maximize a YouTube video to entire browser (not screen) it would be really great for my multi tasking itch. But YouTube doesn't provide any such feature, all they provide is theatre mode or full screen, none of which i wanted. So wrote one Chrome Extension for that for those folks who share the pain or not. :)
Yep, full screen is there, but as i mentioned it is more of an ointment for my multi tasking itch. That way you dont miss notifications from apps / browser tabs / OS Notifications etc. Website
Certain videos on Youtube, won't be playable under full screen mode. This may be due to restriction of content owner on Youtube.
"name" : "uFull", "description" : "Chrome Extension to turn Youtube/Vimeo/Facebook/DailyMotion videos to full screen within browser", "version" : "0.9.6", "permissions" : [ "tabs", "bookmarks", "activeTab" ]
Icons under CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivate 4.0 license from http://www.iconarchive.com/show/circle-icons-by-martz90/video-camera-icon.html
Would love comments/feedbacks/bug etc. over Github https://github.com/vasujain/uFull