Design a network of E and I LIF neurons.
This repository contains the source code for designing a network of E and I Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire neurons that generates desired periodic dynamics.
1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. Usage
4. File Structure
5. License
This repository provides the implementation of the methods and algorithms to design a network. The main goal of this study is to design a network of pulse-coupled delayed E and I LIF neurons with desired periodic spiking.
Matlab 2018.
Run Network_analysis/networkAnalysis.m to create a network with predefined spiking times.
├── Network_analysis/ # Design the network.
├── Get_weights/ # Generate synaptic weights between the LIF neurons using quadprog of Matlab.
├── Gen_delays/ # Generate synaptic delays between the LIF neurons.
├── Conn_matrix/ # Generate a matrix specifying if two neurons are connected.
├── Extract_pdf_from_the_paper/ # Generate spiking time of the E and I LIF neurons.
├── Sim_network/ # Generate dynamics the network that we designed.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.