C++/MPI proxies to perform distributed training of DNNs (deep neural networks):
These proxies cover:
- Data parallelism: same NN replicated across multiple processors, but each copy processes a different subset of the data
- Operator parallelism: splitting different operations (i.e. layers) of a NN across multiple processors
- Pipeline parallelism: different stages of a NN are processed on different processors, in a pipelined fashion
- Hybrid parallelism: combines two or more of the above types of parallelism i.e. different parts of the NN are processed in parallel across different processors AND data is also split across processors
- MPI for distributed training: managing communication between nodes in a distributed system, enabling efficient data parallelism and model parallelism strategies
- NCCL for optimized GPU communication: common communication operations such as
performed on NVIDIA GPUs
- Essential for large model training i.e. ones that don't even fit into the memory of a single GPU
- The GPT-3 example shows a hybrid approach to model and data parallelism. Scaling out training of extremely large models (GPT-3 has over >150 billion paramaters) across multiple GPUs and nodes
- The CosmoFlow example illustrates distributed training of a CNN, leveraging GPU acceleration for performance gains.
Compile via:
mpicxx communications/gpt-2.cpp -o gpt-2
Then run:
mpirun -n 32 ./gpt-2
Set the total num of Transformer layers AND total num of pipeline stages:
mpirun -n 32 ./gpt-2 64 8