victoriadrake.github.io Public
🌱 Victoria's autonomous self-improving blockchain-fortified AI static website
hugo-remote Public
GitHub Action to build and deploy a Hugo site to a remote repository. Deploy from a private repo to a public one!
hugo-theme-introduction Public
Minimal, single page, smooth-scrolling theme for Hugo static site generator.
hugo-theme-sam Public
A Simple and Minimalist theme for Hugo with a focus on typography and content.
hugo-theme-quint Public
Quint: Essence of Minimalism. A theme for Hugo static site generator.
quint-demo Public
Demo site for the Hugo theme Quint.
neofeed-theme Public
A personal feed for Neocities, GitHub Pages, or anywhere else, built with Hugo. #IndieWeb friendly and all yours. It's better than Twitter.
chicago-api Public
Capitalize your title in something pretty close to Chicago Manual of Style title case.
hugoThemesSiteBuilder Public
Forked from gohugoio/hugoThemesSiteBuilderThe source for https://themes.gohugo.io
open-mscs Public
Based on OMSCS. 🎓 Collaborative open source notes for graduate computer science courses.
chatgptmax Public
Python module to send large input to ChatGPT using preprocessing and chunking.
django-starter Public
Django best practices and developer tools in a starter repository for your next project. Clone and start building.
chatgptmax-jupyter Public
Jupyter Notebook examples for chatgptmax
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 2, 2023 -
dotfiles Public
Dotfiles and automagic set-up scripts for Linux flavours
hugo-latest-cd Public
GitHub Action to build and deploy 🚀 a Hugo site to GitHub Pages using latest extended Hugo
django-security-check Public
Helps you continuously monitor and fix common security vulnerabilities in your Django application.
hydra-link-checker Public
Hydra: a multithreaded site-crawling link checker in Python standard library
git-rundown Public
🗃 Check the status of multiple git repositories in a folder
react-in-django Public archive
Basic scaffold for a Django Rest Framework + React app.
start Public
A simple and pleasing new tab startpage or homepage.
standardnotes-to-markdown Public
Takes a Standard Notes JSON export and creates Markdown files
jekyll-cd Public
GitHub Action to build and deploy a Jekyll site to GitHub Pages 🧪
emojione-picker-ubuntu Public
Forked from gentakojima/emojione-picker-ubuntuEmoji picker for Ubuntu based on icons by Emojione
Python UpdatedFeb 14, 2022 -
docsy Public
Forked from google/docsyA set of Hugo doc templates for launching open source content.
link-snitch Public
GitHub Action to scan your site for broken links so you can fix them 🔗
hugo-theme-memex Public
A personal memex theme.
VoIP Public
Forked from 0perationPrivacy/VoIPWeb Base Telnyx/Twilio SMS Interface
JavaScript UpdatedSep 11, 2021