A collection of systems which serve as the backend for Trip Info. It currently consists of the following:
- API: The entry point into the system.
- DB: Stores a person's average speed and pedometer history.
Interface between mobile clients and other backend systems. All requests are made in HTTPS. The endpoints are as follows:
- NewUUID GET: Generate a unique identifier for each device, assuming 1 device per user
- Pedometer POST: Pass all historical pedometer to DB
- Pedometer PUT: Add new pedometer record at 12am
- Journey/Home POST: Pass in home address and chosen PT stop
- Journey/Destination POST: Pass in destination type, destination address and chosen PT stop
- Journey/Start PUT: Start journey
- Journey/Stop PUT: Stop journey
Postgres was chosen for its performance, and the fact that it does graph storage and GIS handling.
To run:
- Make sure
is not running already, if it is, runkillall postgres
in macOS. - Run
docker build -t db:db ./ && docker run -p "5432:5432" db:db