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nevadex committed Jan 15, 2024
1 parent 115ccb1 commit 26c62c5
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Showing 6 changed files with 172 additions and 172 deletions.
314 changes: 153 additions & 161 deletions src/main/java/frc/robot/
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Expand Up @@ -14,175 +14,167 @@
import edu.wpi.first.math.trajectory.TrapezoidProfile;
import edu.wpi.first.math.util.Units;
import frc.lib.config.SwerveModuleConstants;
* The Constants class provides a convenient place for teams to hold robot-wide numerical or boolean
* constants. This class should not be used for any other purpose. All constants should be declared
* globally (i.e. public static). Do not put anything functional in this class.
* <p>It is advised to statically import this class (or one of its inner classes) wherever the
* constants are needed, to reduce verbosity.

public final class Constants {

public static final class ModuleConstants {
public static final double kMaxModuleAngularSpeedRadiansPerSecond = 2 * Math.PI;
public static final double kMaxModuleAngularAccelerationRadiansPerSecondSquared = 2 * Math.PI;

public static final int kEncoderCPR = 1024;
public static final double kWheelDiameterMeters = 0.1016;
public static final double kDriveEncoderDistancePerPulse =
// Assumes the encoders are directly mounted on the wheel shafts
(kWheelDiameterMeters * Math.PI) / (double) kEncoderCPR;

public static final double kTurningEncoderDistancePerPulse =
// Assumes the encoders are on a 1:1 reduction with the module shaft.
(2 * Math.PI) / (double) kEncoderCPR;

public static final double kPModuleTurningController = 1;

public static final double kPModuleDriveController = 1;

public static final class Swerve {
public static final double fastDriveSpeedMultiplier = 1.0;
public static final double normalDriveSpeedMultiplier = 1.0;
public static final double slowDriveSpeedMultiplier = 1.0 ;
public static final int PIGEON2_ID = 10 ;
//SET ME Each Run...
public static final double robotOffset = 0.0;

public static final double stickDeadband = 0.1;

public static final boolean invertGyro = true; // Always ensure Gyro is CCW+ CW-

/* Drivetrain Constants */
public static final double trackWidth = Units.inchesToMeters(26.25);
public static final double wheelBase = Units.inchesToMeters(26.25);
public static final double wheelDiameter = Units.inchesToMeters(4.0);
public static final double wheelCircumference = wheelDiameter * Math.PI;

public static final double openLoopRamp = 0.25;
public static final double closedLoopRamp = 0.0;

//public static final double driveGearRatio =
// (50.0 / 14.0) * (17.0 / 27.0) * (45.0 / 15.0); // 6.75:1
public static final double driveGearRatio = 8.14;
public static final double angleGearRatio = (150.0/ 7.0); //
public static final SwerveDriveKinematics swerveKinematics =
new SwerveDriveKinematics(
new Translation2d(-wheelBase / 2.0, trackWidth / 2.0),
new Translation2d(wheelBase / 2.0, trackWidth / 2.0),
new Translation2d(-wheelBase / 2.0, -trackWidth / 2.0),
new Translation2d(wheelBase / 2.0, -trackWidth / 2.0));

/* Swerve Voltage Compensation */
public static final double voltageComp = 12.0;

/* Swerve Current Limiting */
public static final int angleContinuousCurrentLimit = 10;
public static final int driveContinuousCurrentLimit = 10;

/* Angle Motor PID Values */
public static final double angleKP = 0.01;
public static final double angleKI = 0.0;
public static final double angleKD = 0.0;
public static final double angleKFF = 0.0;

/* Drive Motor PID Values */
public static final double driveKP = 1.0;
public static final double driveKI = 0.0;
public static final double driveKD = 0.0;
public static final double driveKFF = 0.0;

/* Drive Motor Characterization Values */
public static final double driveKS = 0.667;
public static final double driveKV = 2.44;
public static final double driveKA = 0.27;

/* Drive Motor Conversion Factors */
public static final double driveConversionPositionFactor =
(wheelDiameter * Math.PI) / driveGearRatio;
public static final double driveConversionVelocityFactor = driveConversionPositionFactor / 60.0;
public static final double angleConversionFactor = 360.0 / angleGearRatio;

/* Swerve Profiling Values */
public static final double maxSpeed = 10.0; // meters per second //4.5
public static final double maxAngularVelocity = 8; // 11.5 // radians per second

/* Neutral Modes */
public static final IdleMode angleNeutralMode = IdleMode.kBrake;
public static final IdleMode driveNeutralMode = IdleMode.kBrake;

/* Motor Inverts */
public static final boolean driveInvert = true;
public static final boolean angleInvert = true;

/* Angle Encoder Invert */
public static final boolean canCoderInvert = false;

/* Module Specific Constants */
/* Front Left Module - Module 0 */
public static final class Mod0 {
public static final int driveMotorID = 2;
public static final int angleMotorID = 9;
//public static final int canCoderID = 4;
//public static final Rotation2d angleOffset = Rotation2d.fromDegrees(42.58);
public static final Rotation2d angleOffset = Rotation2d.fromDegrees(62.99);
public static final SwerveModuleConstants constants =
new SwerveModuleConstants(driveMotorID, angleMotorID, angleOffset);
public static final double kMaxModuleAngularSpeedRadiansPerSecond = 2 * Math.PI;
public static final double kMaxModuleAngularAccelerationRadiansPerSecondSquared = 2 * Math.PI;

public static final int kEncoderCPR = 1024;
public static final double kWheelDiameterMeters = 0.1016;
public static final double kDriveEncoderDistancePerPulse =
// Assumes the encoders are directly mounted on the wheel shafts
(kWheelDiameterMeters * Math.PI) / (double) kEncoderCPR;

public static final double kTurningEncoderDistancePerPulse =
// Assumes the encoders are on a 1:1 reduction with the module shaft.
(2 * Math.PI) / (double) kEncoderCPR;

/* Front Right Module - Module 1 */
public static final class Mod1 {
public static final int driveMotorID = 4;
public static final int angleMotorID = 3;
//public static final int canCoderID = 1;
//public static final Rotation2d angleOffset = Rotation2d.fromDegrees(296.67);
public static final Rotation2d angleOffset = Rotation2d.fromDegrees(312.58);
public static final SwerveModuleConstants constants =
new SwerveModuleConstants(driveMotorID, angleMotorID, angleOffset);
public static final double kPModuleTurningController = 1;

public static final double kPModuleDriveController = 1;

/* Back Left Module - Module 2 */
public static final class Mod2 {
public static final int driveMotorID = 8;
public static final int angleMotorID = 7;
//public static final int canCoderID = 3;
public static final Rotation2d angleOffset = Rotation2d.fromDegrees(470.5);
//public static final Rotation2d angleOffset = Rotation2d.fromDegrees(204.7);
public static final SwerveModuleConstants constants =
new SwerveModuleConstants(driveMotorID, angleMotorID, angleOffset);

public static final class Swerve {
public static final double fastDriveSpeedMultiplier = 1.0;
public static final double normalDriveSpeedMultiplier = 1.0;
public static final double slowDriveSpeedMultiplier = 1.0;
public static final int PIGEON2_ID = 10;
//SET ME Each Run...
public static final double robotOffset = 0.0;

public static final double stickDeadband = 0.1;

public static final boolean invertGyro = true; // Always ensure Gyro is CCW+ CW-

/* Drivetrain Constants */
public static final double trackWidth = Units.inchesToMeters(26.25);
public static final double wheelBase = Units.inchesToMeters(26.25);
public static final double wheelDiameter = Units.inchesToMeters(4.0);
public static final double wheelCircumference = wheelDiameter * Math.PI;

public static final double openLoopRamp = 0.25;
public static final double closedLoopRamp = 0.0;

//public static final double driveGearRatio =
// (50.0 / 14.0) * (17.0 / 27.0) * (45.0 / 15.0); // 6.75:1
public static final double driveGearRatio = 8.14;
public static final double angleGearRatio = (150.0 / 7.0); //
public static final SwerveDriveKinematics swerveKinematics =
new SwerveDriveKinematics(
new Translation2d(-wheelBase / 2.0, trackWidth / 2.0),
new Translation2d(wheelBase / 2.0, trackWidth / 2.0),
new Translation2d(-wheelBase / 2.0, -trackWidth / 2.0),
new Translation2d(wheelBase / 2.0, -trackWidth / 2.0));

/* Swerve Voltage Compensation */
public static final double voltageComp = 12.0;

/* Swerve Current Limiting */
public static final int angleContinuousCurrentLimit = 10;
public static final int driveContinuousCurrentLimit = 10;

/* Angle Motor PID Values */
public static final double angleKP = 0.01;
public static final double angleKI = 0.0;
public static final double angleKD = 0.0;
public static final double angleKFF = 0.0;

/* Drive Motor PID Values */
public static final double driveKP = 1.0;
public static final double driveKI = 0.0;
public static final double driveKD = 0.0;
public static final double driveKFF = 0.0;

/* Drive Motor Characterization Values */
public static final double driveKS = 0.667;
public static final double driveKV = 2.44;
public static final double driveKA = 0.27;

/* Drive Motor Conversion Factors */
public static final double driveConversionPositionFactor =
(wheelDiameter * Math.PI) / driveGearRatio;
public static final double driveConversionVelocityFactor = driveConversionPositionFactor / 60.0;
public static final double angleConversionFactor = 360.0 / angleGearRatio;

/* Swerve Profiling Values */
public static final double maxSpeed = 10.0; // meters per second //4.5
public static final double maxAngularVelocity = 8; // 11.5 // radians per second

/* Neutral Modes */
public static final IdleMode angleNeutralMode = IdleMode.kBrake;
public static final IdleMode driveNeutralMode = IdleMode.kBrake;

/* Motor Inverts */
public static final boolean driveInvert = true;
public static final boolean angleInvert = true;

/* Angle Encoder Invert */
public static final boolean canCoderInvert = false;

/* Module Specific Constants */
/* Front Left Module - Module 0 */
public static final class Mod0 {
public static final int driveMotorID = 2;
public static final int angleMotorID = 9;
//public static final int canCoderID = 4;
//public static final Rotation2d angleOffset = Rotation2d.fromDegrees(42.58);
public static final Rotation2d angleOffset = Rotation2d.fromDegrees(62.99);
public static final SwerveModuleConstants constants =
new SwerveModuleConstants(driveMotorID, angleMotorID, angleOffset);

/* Front Right Module - Module 1 */
public static final class Mod1 {
public static final int driveMotorID = 4;
public static final int angleMotorID = 3;
//public static final int canCoderID = 1;
//public static final Rotation2d angleOffset = Rotation2d.fromDegrees(296.67);
public static final Rotation2d angleOffset = Rotation2d.fromDegrees(312.58);
public static final SwerveModuleConstants constants =
new SwerveModuleConstants(driveMotorID, angleMotorID, angleOffset);

/* Back Left Module - Module 2 */
public static final class Mod2 {
public static final int driveMotorID = 8;
public static final int angleMotorID = 7;
//public static final int canCoderID = 3;
public static final Rotation2d angleOffset = Rotation2d.fromDegrees(470.5);
//public static final Rotation2d angleOffset = Rotation2d.fromDegrees(204.7);
public static final SwerveModuleConstants constants =
new SwerveModuleConstants(driveMotorID, angleMotorID, angleOffset);

/* Back Right Module - Module 3 */
public static final class Mod3 {
public static final int driveMotorID = 6;
public static final int angleMotorID = 5;
//public static final int canCoderID = 2;
public static final Rotation2d angleOffset = Rotation2d.fromDegrees(296.67);
//public static final Rotation2d angleOffset = Rotation2d.fromDegrees(9.2);
public static final SwerveModuleConstants constants =
new SwerveModuleConstants(driveMotorID, angleMotorID, angleOffset);

/* Back Right Module - Module 3 */
public static final class Mod3 {
public static final int driveMotorID = 6;
public static final int angleMotorID = 5;
//public static final int canCoderID = 2;
public static final Rotation2d angleOffset = Rotation2d.fromDegrees(296.67);
//public static final Rotation2d angleOffset = Rotation2d.fromDegrees(9.2);
public static final SwerveModuleConstants constants =
new SwerveModuleConstants(driveMotorID, angleMotorID, angleOffset);
public static final class AutoConstants {
public static final double kMaxSpeedMetersPerSecond = 4; // 4
public static final double kMaxAccelerationMetersPerSecondSquared = 3; // 3
public static final double kMaxAngularSpeedRadiansPerSecond = 2 * Math.PI;
public static final double kMaxAngularSpeedRadiansPerSecondSquared = 2 * Math.PI;

public static final double kPXController = 1;
public static final double kPYController = 1;
public static final double kPThetaController = .3;

// Constraint for the motion profilied robot angle controller
public static final TrapezoidProfile.Constraints kThetaControllerConstraints =
new TrapezoidProfile.Constraints(
kMaxAngularSpeedRadiansPerSecond, kMaxAngularSpeedRadiansPerSecondSquared);
public static final class AutoConstants {
public static final double kMaxSpeedMetersPerSecond = 4; // 4
public static final double kMaxAccelerationMetersPerSecondSquared = 3; // 3
public static final double kMaxAngularSpeedRadiansPerSecond = 2*Math.PI;
public static final double kMaxAngularSpeedRadiansPerSecondSquared = 2*Math.PI;

public static final double kPXController = 1;
public static final double kPYController = 1;
public static final double kPThetaController = .3;

// Constraint for the motion profilied robot angle controller
public static final TrapezoidProfile.Constraints kThetaControllerConstraints =
new TrapezoidProfile.Constraints(
kMaxAngularSpeedRadiansPerSecond, kMaxAngularSpeedRadiansPerSecondSquared);


Expand Down
16 changes: 7 additions & 9 deletions src/main/java/frc/robot/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.

package frc.robot;

import frc.robot.util.InterpLUT;

public final class Constants204 {
// these two are stowaways - eventually all constants will merge
public static final class Autonomous {
public static final String CHOREO_PATH_FILE = "path"; // omit file extension

public static final class Controller {
public static final int PORT = 1;

public static final class DrivetrainCAN {
public static final int FL_DRIVE_MOTOR_ID = 32;
public static final int RL_DRIVE_MOTOR_ID = 35;
Expand All @@ -32,7 +29,7 @@ public static final class DrivetrainCAN {
public static final class ArmCAN {
public static final int BOOM_MOTOR_ID = 11;
public static final int DIPPER_MOTOR_ID = 21;
public static final int /*CLAW_MOTOR_ID*/CLAW_SERVO_PWM_CH = 0; // controlled with PWM, NOT CAN
public static final int CLAW_SERVO_PWM_CH = 0; // controlled with PWM, NOT CAN
public static final class Arm {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,4 +106,5 @@ public static final class Vision {
public static final double TARGET_HEIGHT_METERS = 0.61;
public static final double CAMERA_PITCH_DEGREES = 180;
14 changes: 12 additions & 2 deletions src/main/java/frc/robot/subsystems/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
import frc.lib.util.CANSparkMaxUtil;
import frc.lib.util.CANSparkMaxUtil.Usage;
import frc.robot.Constants;
import frc.robot.util.Math204;

public class SwerveModule {
public int moduleNumber;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,7 +197,18 @@ public SwerveModulePosition getPosition() {

private double SwerveContinuous(double cDeg) {
double nDeg;
int cQuad = Math204.GetQuadrant(cDeg);
int cQuad;

if (0 <= cDeg && cDeg < 90) {
cQuad = 1;
} else if (90 <= cDeg && cDeg < 180) {
cQuad = 2;
} else if (180 <= cDeg && cDeg < 270) {
cQuad = 3;
} else {
cQuad = 4;

if ((turningPQuad == 3 || turningPQuad == 4) && cQuad == 1) {
nDeg = (360 - turningPDeg) + cDeg;
} else if ((turningPQuad == 1 || turningPQuad == 2) && cQuad == 4) {
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File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.

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