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anilcse committed Nov 9, 2024
1 parent ffb2abb commit 6aa1fbd
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Showing 6 changed files with 425 additions and 62 deletions.
275 changes: 273 additions & 2 deletions src/
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@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
use cosmwasm_std::{
DepsMut, Env, MessageInfo, Response,
DepsMut, Env, MessageInfo, Response, Deps, Order, to_binary, Binary,
StdResult, Uint128, entry_point, CosmosMsg, Storage,
use cosmwasm_std::StdError;
use cw2::set_contract_version;
use cosmwasm_std::Addr;
use cosmwasm_std::attr;
use crate::error::ContractError;
use crate::msg::{
ExecuteMsg, InstantiateMsg,
Expand All @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ use crate::helpers::{
validate_deal_times, calculate_platform_fee,

use crate::msg::{QueryMsg, DealResponse, DealsResponse, BidResponse, DealStatsResponse};
use cw_storage_plus::Bound;

/// Contract name and version info for migration
const CONTRACT_NAME: &str = "";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -489,3 +492,271 @@ fn process_successful_deal(

Ok((messages, stats))

const DEFAULT_LIMIT: u32 = 10;
const MAX_LIMIT: u32 = 30;

pub fn query(deps: Deps, env: Env, msg: QueryMsg) -> StdResult<Binary> {
let response = match msg {
QueryMsg::GetDeal { deal_id } => to_binary(&query_deal(deps, deal_id)?),
QueryMsg::ListDeals { start_after, limit } => to_binary(&list_deals(deps, start_after, limit)?),
QueryMsg::GetBid { deal_id, bidder } => to_binary(&query_bid(deps, deal_id, bidder)?),
QueryMsg::ListBidsForDeal { deal_id, start_after, limit } => {
to_binary(&list_bids_for_deal(deps, deal_id, start_after, limit)?)
QueryMsg::ListDealsBySeller { seller, start_after, limit } => {
to_binary(&list_deals_by_seller(deps, seller, start_after, limit)?)
QueryMsg::ListBidsByBidder { bidder, start_after, limit } => {
to_binary(&list_bids_by_bidder(deps, bidder, start_after, limit)?)
QueryMsg::ListActiveDeals { start_after, limit } => {
to_binary(&list_active_deals(deps, env, start_after, limit)?)
QueryMsg::ListDealsByStatus { is_concluded, start_after, limit } => {
to_binary(&list_deals_by_status(deps, is_concluded, start_after, limit)?)
QueryMsg::GetConfig {} => to_binary(&query_config(deps)?),
QueryMsg::GetDealStats { deal_id } => to_binary(&query_deal_stats(deps, env, deal_id)?),

// Update return types of query functions to use StdResult instead of Result<_, ContractError>
pub fn query_deal(deps: Deps, deal_id: u64) -> StdResult<DealResponse> {
let deal = DEALS.load(, deal_id)
.map_err(|_| StdError::generic_err("Deal not found"))?;
Ok(DealResponse { deal })

pub fn query_bid(
deps: Deps,
deal_id: u64,
bidder: String,
) -> StdResult<BidResponse> {
let addr = deps.api.addr_validate(&bidder)?;
let bid = BIDS
.load(, (deal_id, &addr))
.map_err(|_| StdError::generic_err("Bid not found"))?;
Ok(BidResponse { bid })

pub fn list_bids_for_deal(
deps: Deps,
deal_id: u64,
start_after: Option<String>,
limit: Option<u32>,
) -> StdResult<Vec<BidResponse>> {
// Check if deal exists
DEALS.load(, deal_id)
.map_err(|_| StdError::generic_err("Deal not found"))?;

let limit = limit.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_LIMIT).min(MAX_LIMIT) as usize;

// Convert start_after to validated address
let start_addr = match start_after {
Some(addr_str) => Some(deps.api.addr_validate(&addr_str)?),
None => None,

let start_bound = start_addr.as_ref().map(|addr| {
let bound_key = (deal_id, addr);

// Query bids
let bids = BIDS
Some(Bound::inclusive((deal_id + 1, &Addr::unchecked("")))),
.filter(|r| matches!(r, Ok((key, _)) if key.0 == deal_id))
.map(|item||(_, bid)| BidResponse { bid }))


pub fn list_deals(
deps: Deps,
start_after: Option<u64>,
limit: Option<u32>,
) -> StdResult<DealsResponse> {
let limit = limit.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_LIMIT).min(MAX_LIMIT) as usize;
let start =;

let deals: StdResult<Vec<Deal>> = DEALS
.range(, start, None, Order::Ascending)
.map(|item||(_, deal)| deal))

Ok(DealsResponse { deals: deals? })

pub fn list_deals_by_seller(
deps: Deps,
seller: String,
start_after: Option<u64>,
limit: Option<u32>,
) -> StdResult<DealsResponse> {
let seller_addr = deps.api.addr_validate(&seller)?;
let limit = limit.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_LIMIT).min(MAX_LIMIT) as usize;
let start =;

let deals: StdResult<Vec<Deal>> = DEALS
.range(, start, None, Order::Ascending)
.filter(|r| match r {
Ok((_, deal)) => deal.seller == seller_addr,
Err(_) => true, // Keep errors to handle them in collect
.map(|item||(_, deal)| deal))

Ok(DealsResponse { deals: deals? })

pub fn list_bids_by_bidder(
deps: Deps,
bidder: String,
start_after: Option<(u64, String)>,
limit: Option<u32>,
) -> StdResult<Vec<(u64, BidResponse)>> {
let bidder_addr = deps.api.addr_validate(&bidder)?;
let limit = limit.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_LIMIT).min(MAX_LIMIT) as usize;

// Convert start_after into a proper bound
let start = start_after
.map(|(deal_id, _)| deal_id)
.map(|id| (id, &bidder_addr));

let mut bids = vec![];

let bid_range = BIDS.range(,,

for result in bid_range {
let ((deal_id, addr), bid) = result?;
if addr == bidder_addr {
bids.push((deal_id, BidResponse { bid }));
if bids.len() >= limit {


pub fn list_active_deals(
deps: Deps,
env: Env,
start_after: Option<u64>,
limit: Option<u32>,
) -> StdResult<DealsResponse> {
let limit = limit.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_LIMIT).min(MAX_LIMIT) as usize;
let start =;
let current_time = env.block.time.seconds();

let deals: StdResult<Vec<Deal>> = DEALS
.range(, start, None, Order::Ascending)
.filter(|r| match r {
Ok((_, deal)) => {
!deal.is_concluded &&
deal.bid_start_time <= current_time &&
deal.bid_end_time > current_time
Err(_) => true, // Keep errors to handle them in collect
.map(|item||(_, deal)| deal))

Ok(DealsResponse { deals: deals? })

pub fn list_deals_by_status(
deps: Deps,
is_concluded: bool,
start_after: Option<u64>,
limit: Option<u32>,
) -> StdResult<DealsResponse> {
let limit = limit.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_LIMIT).min(MAX_LIMIT) as usize;
let start =;

let deals: StdResult<Vec<Deal>> = DEALS
.range(, start, None, Order::Ascending)
.filter(|r| match r {
Ok((_, deal)) => deal.is_concluded == is_concluded,
Err(_) => true, // Keep errors to handle them in collect
.map(|item||(_, deal)| deal))

Ok(DealsResponse { deals: deals? })

pub fn query_config(deps: Deps) -> StdResult<Config> {

pub fn query_deal_stats(
deps: Deps,
env: Env,
deal_id: u64,
) -> StdResult<DealStatsResponse> {
let deal = DEALS.load(, deal_id)
.map_err(|_| StdError::generic_err("Deal not found"))?;
let current_time = env.block.time.seconds();

let mut total_bids_count = 0u32;
let mut total_discount = 0u64;
let mut highest_bid_amount = Uint128::zero();
let mut lowest_bid_amount = None;
let mut total_bid_amount = Uint128::zero();
let mut bidders = std::collections::HashSet::new();

// Process all bids for the deal
for result in BIDS.prefix(deal_id).range(, None, None, Order::Ascending) {
let (_, bid) = result?;
total_bids_count += 1;
total_discount += bid.discount_percentage;
highest_bid_amount = std::cmp::max(highest_bid_amount, bid.amount);
lowest_bid_amount = Some(lowest_bid_amount.map_or(bid.amount, |current| std::cmp::min(current, bid.amount)));
total_bid_amount += bid.amount;

// Calculate time remaining if deal is active
let time_remaining = if !deal.is_concluded && current_time < deal.conclude_time {
} else {

let average_discount = if total_bids_count > 0 {
total_discount / total_bids_count as u64
} else {

Ok(DealStatsResponse {
unique_bidders_count: bidders.len() as u32,
lowest_bid_amount: lowest_bid_amount.unwrap_or_else(Uint128::zero),
min_cap_reached: total_bid_amount >= deal.min_cap,
41 changes: 17 additions & 24 deletions src/
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@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
use cosmwasm_std::{StdError, OverflowError};
use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Error, Debug)]
#[derive(Error, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum ContractError {
Std(#[from] StdError),
Expand All @@ -13,36 +12,30 @@ pub enum ContractError {
Unauthorized {},

#[error("Invalid time parameters: {reason}")]
InvalidTimeParameters { reason: String },
#[error("Deal not found")]
DealNotFound {},

#[error("Bidding has not started yet")]
BiddingNotStarted {},

#[error("Bidding has ended")]
BiddingEnded {},

#[error("Deal cannot be concluded yet")]
ConclusionTimeNotReached {},
#[error("Bid not found")]
BidNotFound {},

#[error("Deal already concluded")]
DealAlreadyConcluded {},

#[error("Insufficient platform fee. Required: {required}, provided: {provided}")]
InsufficientPlatformFee {
required: u128,
provided: u128,
#[error("Invalid time parameters: {reason}")]
InvalidTimeParameters { reason: String },

#[error("Invalid bid amount: {reason}")]
InvalidBidAmount { reason: String },

#[error("Bid not found for deal {deal_id} from bidder {bidder}")]
BidNotFound {
deal_id: u64,
bidder: String,
#[error("Insufficient platform fee. Required: {required}, provided: {provided}")]
InsufficientPlatformFee { required: u128, provided: u128 },

#[error("Bidding has not started")]
BiddingNotStarted {},

#[error("Insufficient funds")]
InsufficientFunds {},
#[error("Bidding has ended")]
BiddingEnded {},

#[error("Conclusion time not reached")]
ConclusionTimeNotReached {},

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