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Martin Borisov edited this page Jul 23, 2018 · 15 revisions

Getting Started

The Admiral container image is available on Docker Hub.

To get the latest stable release run:

docker run -d -p 8282:8282 --name admiral vmware/admiral

To get the latest development release with all beta features run:

docker run -d -p 8282:8282 --name admiral vmware/admiral:dev

Admiral can be also be started as a standalone Java application. Download the latest development release admiral-host-1.4.2-20180723.130833-1-uber-jar-with-agent.jar and run it with:

java -jar admiral-host-1.4.2-20180723.130833-1-uber-jar-with-agent.jar --bindAddress= --port=8282

To access the UI when deployed on docker or as a standalone process, point your browser respectively to:

http://<docker_host_ip>:8282 or http://localhost:8282

Note that authentication is disabled by default. To enable it, please refer to the Configuration Guide.


Admiral is Highly scalable and very lightweight Container Management platform deploying and managing container based applications. Admiral is built based on Xenon framework and represents a set of services and management UI that can compose, provision and manage the lifecycle of the containers.

Admiral management layer uses adapters to reach container hosts (Docker Host or VIC) remote APIs. Beside remote API calls, Admiral installs a container agent on every managed host in order to gather more statistics from the host and provide SSH access to a particular provisioned container.

The main deployment components are:

  • Java based service hosts in a cluster. The service is written in Java and based on Xenon framework.
  • Go Lang based agent with the use of Shell-in-a-box tool. The Agents are the components installed on each Docker Host managed by the Admiral, that provide the required functionality to manage containers (through Docker API) within that host. An Agent is a small program written in Go and deployed inside the Docker Host itself as yet another container.
  • Management UI - Javascript based UI using Vue.js, Reflux, Bootstrap and more...

