This is a project for the STEM Leaders Program Spring '22 hosted by Real Skills Education.
Cognizant Team 1 - Chitrakshi, Noussayba, Shane and My
How To Get Started
Before you begin, install the following python modules:
- tweety
- pandas
- ibm-watson # upgrade to version >= 6.1.0
- numpy
- openpyxl
Don't have pip on your system? Here's how you can resolve it: (Ref:
curl -o
Relative commands that you might need: (Ref:
pip install <module_name>
pip install --upgrade <module_name>=version>
...More steps to be added as we progress towards MVP...
A few potentials for the future:
- User input feature – can we do this to prepare for Expo Night?
- Scale and automate to obtain a greater number of Tweets
- Cloud migration and relevant technologies – this can be a discussion for during the Expo Night