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vrahli committed Feb 26, 2023
1 parent d3a470f commit b3ce970
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Showing 6 changed files with 99 additions and 10 deletions.
101 changes: 94 additions & 7 deletions barContP7.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -211,6 +211,14 @@ NATeq→#⇛NUMₗ {w} {a} {b} {k} (j , c1 , c2) c
rewrite NUMinj (⇛-val-det {w} {⌜ b ⌝} {NUM j} {NUM k} tt tt c2 c) = c1

#⇛!sameℕ→#⇛!NUMₗ : {w : 𝕎·} {a b : CTerm} {k : ℕ}
→ #⇛!sameℕ w a b
→ b #⇛! #NUM k at w
→ a #⇛! #NUM k at w
#⇛!sameℕ→#⇛!NUMₗ {w} {a} {b} {k} (j , c1 , c2) c
rewrite NUMinj (⇛!-val-det {w} {⌜ b ⌝} {NUM j} {NUM k} tt tt c2 c) = c1

BAIRE2𝕊-equalInBAIRE : (kb : K□) {i : ℕ} {w : 𝕎·} {f : CTerm} (f∈ : ∈Type i w #BAIRE f)
→ equalInType i w #BAIRE f (#MSEQ (BAIRE2𝕊 kb f∈))
BAIRE2𝕊-equalInBAIRE kb {i} {w} {f} f∈ =
Expand All @@ -237,6 +245,26 @@ BAIRE2𝕊-equalInBAIRE kb {i} {w} {f} f∈ =
j3 = NATeq→#⇛NUMₗ {w2} {#APPLY f a₁} {#APPLY f (#NUM k)} j2 (∀𝕎-mon (⊑-trans· e1 e2) j1)

APPLY-NUM-MSEQ⇛! : (w : 𝕎·) (s : 𝕊) (k : ℕ)
→ APPLY (MSEQ s) (NUM k) ⇛! NUM (s k) at w
APPLY-NUM-MSEQ⇛! w s k w1 e1 = lift (2 , refl)

BAIRE!2𝕊-equalInNAT! : (kb : K□) {i : ℕ} {w : 𝕎·} {f : CTerm} (f∈ : ∈Type i w #BAIRE! f) (k : ℕ)
→ equalInType i w #NAT! (#APPLY f (#NUM k)) (#APPLY (#MSEQ (BAIRE!2𝕊 kb f∈)) (#NUM k))
BAIRE!2𝕊-equalInNAT! kb {i} {w} {f} f∈ k =
→equalInType-NAT! i w (#APPLY f (#NUM k)) (#APPLY (#MSEQ (BAIRE!2𝕊 kb f∈)) (#NUM k)) (Mod.∀𝕎-□ M aw)
s : 𝕊
s = BAIRE!2𝕊 kb f∈

j1 : #APPLY f (#NUM k) #⇛! #NUM (s k) at w
j1 = fst (snd (kb (equalInType-NAT!→ i w _ _ (APPLY-∈BAIRE!-NUM→ i w f k f∈)) w (⊑-refl· w)))

aw : ∀𝕎 w (λ w' _ → #⇛!sameℕ w' (#APPLY f (#NUM k)) (#APPLY (#MSEQ (BAIRE!2𝕊 kb f∈)) (#NUM k)))
aw w1 e1 = s k , ∀𝕎-mon e1 j1 , APPLY-NUM-MSEQ⇛! w1 s k

#tab : (r : Name) (F : CTerm) (k : ℕ) (f : CTerm) → CTerm
#tab r F k f = #APPLY2 (#loop r F) (#NUM k) f

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -717,7 +745,7 @@ sub0-indBarC⇛INR-NAT⇛! w x a comp rewrite #shiftUp 0 x | #shiftDown 0 x =

weq→follow-NATeq : (kb : K□) (i : ℕ) (w : 𝕎·) (I1 I2 f g : CTerm) (k : ℕ)
→ weq (equalInType i w #IndBarB) (λ a b eqa → equalInType i w (sub0 a #IndBarC)) w I1 I2
→ equalInType i w #BAIRE! f g
((k : ℕ) → equalInType i w #NAT! (#APPLY f (#NUM k)) (#APPLY g (#NUM k)))
→ NATeq {--#⇓sameℕ--} w (#follow f I1 k) (#follow g I2 k)
weq→follow-NATeq kb i w I1 I2 f g k (weqC a1 f1 a2 f2 e c1 c2 ind) eqf
with kb (equalInType-IndBarB→ i w a1 a2 e) w (⊑-refl· w)
Expand All @@ -739,7 +767,7 @@ weq→follow-NATeq kb i w I1 I2 f g k (weqC a1 f1 a2 f2 e c1 c2 ind) eqf
eqf0 : equalInType i w #NAT! (#APPLY f (#NUM k)) (#APPLY g (#NUM k))
eqf0 = APPLY-≡∈BAIRE!-NUM→ i w f g k eqf
eqf0 = eqf k --APPLY-≡∈BAIRE!-NUM→ i w f g k eqf

eqf1 : equalInType i w (sub0 a1 #IndBarC) (#APPLY f (#NUM k)) (#APPLY g (#NUM k))
eqf1 = equalInType-#⇛-rev (sub0-indBarC⇛INR-NAT⇛! w a1 t d1) eqf0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -772,6 +800,47 @@ weq→follow-NATeq kb i w I1 I2 f g k (weqC a1 f1 a2 f2 e c1 c2 ind) eqf
comp2 = #follow-INR⇛ w I2 a2 f2 g u k j c2 d2 cg

NATeq-trans : {w : 𝕎·} {a b c : CTerm}
→ NATeq w a b
→ NATeq w b c
→ NATeq w a c
NATeq-trans {w} {a} {b} {c} (k , c1 , c2) (j , d1 , d2)
rewrite #NUMinj (#⇛-val-det {_} {b} tt tt d1 c2) = k , c1 , d2

BAIRE!2𝕊-equalInBAIRE : (kb : K□) {i : ℕ} {w : 𝕎·} {f : CTerm} (f∈ : ∈Type i w #BAIRE! f)
→ equalInType i w #BAIRE f (#MSEQ (BAIRE!2𝕊 kb f∈))
BAIRE!2𝕊-equalInBAIRE kb {i} {w} {f} f∈ =
equalInType-FUN eqTypesNAT eqTypesNAT aw
s : 𝕊
s = BAIRE!2𝕊 kb f∈

aw : ∀𝕎 w (λ w' _ → (a₁ a₂ : CTerm) → equalInType i w' #NAT a₁ a₂
→ equalInType i w' #NAT (#APPLY f a₁) (#APPLY (#MSEQ s) a₂))
aw w1 e1 a₁ a₂ ea =
→equalInType-NAT i w1 _ _ (Mod.∀𝕎-□Func M aw1 (equalInType-NAT→ i w1 _ _ ea))
aw1 : ∀𝕎 w1 (λ w' e' → NATeq w' a₁ a₂ → NATeq w' (#APPLY f a₁) (#APPLY (#MSEQ s) a₂))
aw1 w2 e2 (k , c1 , c2) = s k , #⇛!→#⇛ {w2} {#APPLY f a₁} {#NUM (s k)} j3 , APPLY-MSEQ⇛ w2 s ⌜ a₂ ⌝ k c2
j1 : #APPLY f (#NUM k) #⇛! #NUM (s k) at w
j1 = fst (snd (kb (equalInType-NAT!→ i w _ _ (APPLY-∈BAIRE!-NUM→ i w f k f∈)) w (⊑-refl· w)))

j2 : #⇛!sameℕ w2 (#APPLY f a₁) (#APPLY f (#NUM k))
j2 = kb (equalInType-NAT!→ i w2 _ _ (equalInType-FUN→ f∈ w2 (⊑-trans· e1 e2) a₁ (#NUM k) (#⇛NUM→equalInType-NAT i w2 a₁ k c1))) w2 (⊑-refl· w2)

j3 : #APPLY f a₁ #⇛! #NUM (s k) at w2
j3 = #⇛!sameℕ→#⇛!NUMₗ {w2} {#APPLY f a₁} {#APPLY f (#NUM k)} j2 (∀𝕎-mon (⊑-trans· e1 e2) j1)

#⇛!sameℕ→NATeq : {w : 𝕎·} {a b : CTerm}
→ #⇛!sameℕ w a b
→ NATeq w a b
#⇛!sameℕ→NATeq {w} {a} {b} (k , c1 , c2) = k , #⇛!→#⇛ {w} {a} {#NUM k} c1 , #⇛!→#⇛ {w} {b} {#NUM k} c2

xxx : (k : ℕ)
→ wmem (equalInType i w' #IndBarB) (λ a b eqa → equalInType i w' (sub0 a #IndBarC)) w' (#tab r F k (BAIRE2list f k))
Expand All @@ -786,25 +855,43 @@ semCond : (kb : K□) (cn : cℕ) (can : comp→∀ℕ) (exb : ∃□) (gc : get
→ ∈Type i w #BAIRE! f
→ equalInType i w #NAT (#APPLY F f) (#follow f (#tab r F 0 #INIT) 0)
-- It's a #QNAT and not a #NAT because of the computation on #tab, which is a "time-dependent" computation
semCond kb cn can exb gc i w r F f compat F∈ f∈ =
semCond kb cn can exb gc i w r F f compat F∈P f∈ =
i w (#APPLY F f) (#follow f I 0)
(Mod.∀𝕎-□Func M aw (equalInType-W→ i w #IndBarB #IndBarC I I I∈))
nnF : #¬Names F
nnF = equalInType-TPURE→ₗ F∈P

F∈ : ∈Type i w #FunBar F
F∈ = equalInType-TPURE→ F∈P

s : 𝕊
s = BAIRE!2𝕊 kb f∈

I : CTerm
I = #tab r F 0 #INIT

I∈ : ∈Type i w #IndBar I
I∈ = sem kb cn can exb gc i w r F compat F∈
I∈ = sem kb cn can exb gc i w r F compat F∈P

f≡1 : (k : ℕ) → equalInType i w #NAT! (#APPLY f (#NUM k)) (#APPLY (#MSEQ s) (#NUM k))
f≡1 k = BAIRE!2𝕊-equalInNAT! kb {i} {w} {f} f∈ k

f≡2 : equalInType i w #BAIRE f (#MSEQ (BAIRE!2𝕊 kb f∈))
f≡2 = BAIRE!2𝕊-equalInBAIRE kb {i} {w} {f} f∈

aw : ∀𝕎 w (λ w' e' → wmem (equalInType i w' #IndBarB) (λ a b eqa → equalInType i w' (sub0 a #IndBarC)) w' I
→ NATeq {--#weakMonEq--} w' (#APPLY F f) (#follow f I 0))
aw w1 e1 h = {!!}
-- use BAIRE2𝕊-equalInBAIRE to switch from (#APPLY F f) to (#APPLY F (#MSEQ s))
-- Can we do the same with (#follow f I 0)? → weq→follow-NATeq
aw w1 e1 h =
NATeq-trans {w1} {#APPLY F f} {#follow (#MSEQ s) I 0} {#follow f I 0}
(NATeq-trans {w1} {#APPLY F f} {#APPLY F (#MSEQ s)} {#follow (#MSEQ s) I 0} neq1 neq2)
(weq→follow-NATeq kb i w1 I I (#MSEQ s) f 0 h (λ k → equalInType-mon (equalInType-sym (f≡1 k)) w1 e1))
neq1 : NATeq w1 (#APPLY F f) (#APPLY F (#MSEQ s))
neq1 = kb (equalInType-NAT→ i w1 _ _ (equalInType-FUN→ F∈ w1 e1 f (#MSEQ s) (equalInType-mon f≡2 w1 e1))) w1 (⊑-refl· w1)

neq2 : NATeq w1 (#APPLY F (#MSEQ s)) (#follow (#MSEQ s) I 0)
neq2 = {!!}

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions continuity10b.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ open import terms3(W)(C)(K)(G)(X)(N)
open import terms4(W)(C)(K)(G)(X)(N)
open import terms5(W)(C)(K)(G)(X)(N)
open import terms6(W)(C)(K)(G)(X)(N)
open import terms9(W)(C)(K)(G)(X)(N)
open import bar(W)
open import barI(W)(M)--(C)(K)(P)
open import forcing(W)(M)(C)(K)(P)(G)(X)(N)(E)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion continuity2b.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2245,6 +2245,6 @@ updCtxt2-WRECr {name} {f} {r} {g} cf dr df =
_ _
(updCtxt2-APPLY _ _ (→updCtxt2-shiftUp 0 cf df) (updCtxt2-VAR 0))
(→updCtxt2-shiftUp 0 cf dr))
(→updCtxt2-shiftUp 3 cf dr))

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion continuity6b.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2115,7 +2115,7 @@ updRel2-WRECr {name} {f} {g} {r} {r1} {r2} {f1} {f2} cf cg ur uf =
_ _ _ _
(updRel2-APPLY _ _ _ _ (updRel2-shiftUp 0 cf cg uf) (updRel2-VAR 0))
(updRel2-shiftUp 0 cf cg ur))
(updRel2-shiftUp 3 cf cg ur))

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion continuity8b.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ names-WRECr⊆ : (r f : Term) (s : List Name)
→ names f ⊆ s
→ names (WRECr r f) ⊆ s
names-WRECr⊆ r f s ssr ssf
rewrite names-shiftUp 0 r
rewrite names-shiftUp 3 r
| names-shiftUp 0 f
| ++[] (names f)
= ⊆++ ssf ssr
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions continuity9b.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ open import terms3(W)(C)(K)(G)(X)(N)
open import terms4(W)(C)(K)(G)(X)(N)
open import terms5(W)(C)(K)(G)(X)(N)
open import terms6(W)(C)(K)(G)(X)(N)
open import terms9(W)(C)(K)(G)(X)(N)
open import bar(W)
open import barI(W)(M)--(C)(K)(P)
open import forcing(W)(M)(C)(K)(P)(G)(X)(N)(E)
Expand Down

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