I'm taking the 100 Days of Python Udemy course from Dr. Angela Yu, lead instructor at the London App Brewery.
Looking forward to this new challenge!
Starting from : Jan 04, 2023
- Day 001 → Learned how to use the input function to create a band name generator [LINK]
- Day 002 → Just a simple bill + tip calculator but moving forward [LINK]
- Day 003 → Conditional tests, nice exercise about leap years, and I had fun deciding on the project's ASCII [LINK]
- Day 004 → Randomization and how to go through Python lists [LINK]
- Day 005 → Worked with For loops and their ranges [LINK]
- Day 006 → Functions, Code blocks and While loops [LINK]
- Day 007 → Diagrams and combining the knowledge of the last three days to build a Hangman Game [LINK]
- Day 008 → Functions with inputs: Positional vs. Keyword Arguments [LINK]
- Day 009 → Dictionaries and Nesting Lists building an Auction Program [LINK]
- Day 010 → Functions with outputs and Docstrings [LINK]
- Day 011 → Applied everything learned so far in a Blackjack Game [LINK]
- Day 012 → Local vs. Global Scope [LINK]
- Day 013 → Went through some Debugging concepts and exercises [LINK]
- Day 014 → Applied previous knowledge + Debugging skills [LINK]
- Day 015 → Started using PyCharm and applying previous knowledge to build a Coffee Machine [LINK]
- Day 016 → Oriented Object Programming + moduling the Coffee Machine from the previous class [LINK]
- Day 017 → Benefits of OOP + working with classes, attributes, and methods [LINK]
- Day 018 → Turtle graphics, Tuples, and different ways to import Modules [LINK]
- Day 019 → Used Event Listeners and created Multiple Instances of Objects with For loops [LINK]
- Day 020 → Mainly working with classes, objects, and event listeners to creat Snake Game pt.1 [LINK]
- Day 021 → Learning about inheritance in OOP and slicing tuples and lists with Snake Game pt.2 [LINK]