It was really a nice experience for me, solving these problems. Seriously telling these were not easy for me, every problem statement I saw at first nothing came to my mind. But then I started searching what does that problem statement means. So, with the time constrined there were many things, I was not able to go in deep.
Problem statement 1: Framework: Any nlp tool (Preference: spaCy), Python, Given a training dataset. Create a NER model for following labels: ● Loan ● Home ● Overseas ● Renovation ● Refinancing ● Property For a user query “can i loan for property in philippines?”, the output from your NER model is Loan, Property and Overseas.
We need to make or train a model which can point out these custom lables from the user query (Named Entity Extraction), which are given in the problem statement.
As there was no training dataset was provided, I made a small one by myself. But as If I would have made and labeled the training dataset for all the custom lables It would have taken a lot of time, so, really sorry taking time in consideration, I only trained for the LOAN label and labelled some of the training sentences for that. As shown below:(one more thing in these training examples I forgot to add get after can i sorry for this mistake, I just realised this while writing this document)
From the model, we got results as given below:
when the query is:
can i loan for property in philippines?
When the query is: can i get the allowance for property in philippines?
When the query is: can i get investment for the place in india?
Similary tried other queries as well.
Problem statement 2: Framework: Any nlp tool (Preference: spaCy), Python Create a WSD model for identifying the intent of a token in a context ● Deposit ○ Deposit is a word which a have three meanings. Deposit is a money, Deposit is an account, Deposit is a process. Sample query: I want to deposit money in my deposit. How much deposit i can deposit to my deposit? Your module can disambiguate and identify the sense of each “deposit” word.
Solution: For this we need to make a model which can identity the intent of a word used in the sentence. Approach 1:(in brief) In this I got the possible definitions of word “deposit” from the wordnet then used cosine similarity to find out which definition is most similar to the user query. The user query is : I want to deposit money in my deposit How much deposit i can deposit to my deposit?
And the definitions or contexts of every word deposit we got are:
Approach 2:(in brief) The above query was complex but for simple queries I there is one solution, for that I copied some text regarding about the diffrent context of word deposit and pasted them in a text file.(not relaible but for simple queries it works which are very simple or common.)
Some other approaches for this problem statement I have tried they are all given in the python file.
Problem statement 3: Framework: Any nlp tool (Preference: spaCy), Python Create a spell correction module which will correct the words depending on the context/domain. Domain : IT support User query: I want to connect my wife.
Solution: This was very difficult one for me, finally I came to a approach where I will add a text document (In which about the domain specific text is given), then I will find the most frequent occuring pairs in from that text file: what I mean: connect-wifi is more frequent pair than connect-wife in the IT support domain. So I got the pairs and got the pairs from the user query then found which pair is out of the context :
query: i want to connect wife
I know this is not the good solution, sorry for that.