node Server-Side Rendering version docshub.
As you know The DevDocs project has two pieces.
DevDocs is made of two pieces: a Ruby scraper that generates the documentation and metadata, and a JavaScript app powered by a small Sinatra app.
Current project just replace the Sinatra app part, so you still need to install devdocs project.
1、setup devdocs, firstly
# donwload file
git clone && cd devdocs
gem install bundler
bundle install
# default html css dom ...
bundle exec thor docs:download --default
# download all docs
# bundle exec thor docs:download --all
2、install current project
[email protected]:icai/docshub-node.git
npm install
modify the docshub-node/config.js
setup the devdocs project relative path, as follows:
docs: {
path: '../devdocs/public/docs/docs.json',
dir: '../devdocs/public/docs/'
Then finially boostrap the project
npm run dev
- cache render
- database manage
- user center
- read count
- ...
Copyright (c) Terry Cai. Licensed under the MIT license.