A project template for Django 1.11 in Python 3
Create a new repository for your django project and clone your repository into your computer.
Add the django-project-template-py3 github repo as a remote repository:
git remote add template [email protected]:magnet-cl/django-project-template-py3.git
Pull the code from the project template:
git pull template master
Push to your own repo
git push origin master
Now you have your own django project in your repository.
This project works with:
- Python >= 3.6
- Python libraries defined in requirements.txt
- Node >= 8.5
- Node libraries defined in package.json
- Postgress >= 9.6
- pipenv, >= 11.9.0
If you are using Ubuntu 16.04 or OSX, the script quickstart.sh installs all dependencies of the project. It assumes you have yarn installed.
Use the custom app template to create your apps:
python manage.py startapp --template=project/app_template answers
The project comes with select2 by default for all selects. If you wish to disable this feature add the class .js-not-select2 to the selec
The project comes with eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker by default for all inputs that have the .datetime-picker class.
The project disables all buttons and inputs of submit type within a form after submit. This is done with a timeout of 10 milliseconds to avoid not sending values of inputs with type submit. To disable this behaviour, add .js-do-not-disable-on-submit class to the buttons you don't want to disable.
- App.utils.showLoading(): Shows a spinner on the navbar and puts the cursor on wait
- App.utils.hideLoading(): Reverts changes caused by showLoading on wait
- App.utils.thousandSeparator(): for a given number in text, returns the text with thoushand separators (for spanish) on wait