Code examples, notes, and links for my classes, specifically programming in C (CSC220, CSC240), C++ (CSC220, CSC240), Java (CSC205), Scheme (CSC240), and Prolog (CSC240) and using Linux & writing bash scripts (CSC220). The videos and examples are geared toward the goals of the class, so some of the techniques covered may not necessarily be best practice and the code may not be the most concise or efficient.
For the most part, I have left mistakes (whether intentional or not) in the videos, but the code should be mistake free, so please let me know if you see any code examples with (uncommented) mistakes. You should check the git history for each code example - if the last commit is not "Sync with video" or something similar then there was likely a code change after the video was complete. A note should be in the entry for that file in the file in that directory.
For my students you should also refer to the material on Canvas and the GitHub repo specific to your class.
- algorithms - Links related to algorithms & data structures
- bash - Video examples for bash shell scripting
- c - The C programming language
- concurrency - Programming with concurrent processes & threads
- cpp - The C++ programming language
- debugging - Debugging guides for C, C++, Java, Prolog, & Scheme
- linux - Linux history, tutorials, and videos, vim, & git
- programming - Programming language history, links to history & tutorials for different programming languages
- prolog - The Prolog programming language
- scheme - The Scheme programming language
- algorithms - Links related to algorithms & data structures
- debugging - Debugging guides for C, C++, Java, Prolog, & Scheme
- programming - Programming language history, links to history & tutorials for different programming languages
- c - The C programming language
- cpp - The C++ programming language
- concurrency - Programming with concurrent processes & threads
- scheme - The Scheme programming language
- prolog - The Prolog programming language
- debugging - Debugging guides for C, C++, Java, Prolog, & Scheme