Python library for using ADAMS from Python (via JPype).
From PyPI:
pip install pyadams
Or directly from Github:
pip install git+
usage: pa-download [-h] -a {update,list,download} [-v VERSION] [-n NAME]
[-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-x]
Tool for downloading ADAMS releases and snapshots.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a {update,list,download}, --action {update,list,download}
The action to perform. (default: None)
-v VERSION, --version VERSION
The version to download, e.g., 'snapshot'. (default:
-n NAME, --name NAME The name of the download, e.g., 'adams-ml-app'.
(default: None)
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
The directory to download ADAMS to. (default: None)
-x, --extract Whether to automatically extract the downloaded ADAMS
archive. (default: False)
The logging level to use. (default: WARN)