Simple in use crawler (spider) of site web pages by domain name.
Written for node.js, using ES6.
Provides a very simple event interface using EventEmitter
Be sure, by reading the instruction and examples.
- Find all the links on the site's HTML pages
- Get headers for all the links found
- Load the contents of all found HTML pages
Install with npm:
npm install node-html-crawler --save
Include module in script:
const Crawler = require('node-html-crawler');
Create instance of a class Crawler
by passing the domain name:
const crawler = new Crawler('');
Or with more advanced settings:
const crawler = new Crawler({
protocol: 'https:', // default 'http:'
domain: '', // default ''
limitForConnections: 15, // number of simultaneous connections, default 10
limitForRedirects: 5, // possible number of redirects, default 5
timeout: 500, // number of milliseconds between pending connection, default 300
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0', // default header
'Cookie': 'name=value', // advanced header
Start crawling and subscribe to events:
crawler.on('data', data => { ... }); // some html-page a loaded
crawler.on('error', error => { ... }); // error in crawling
crawler.on('end', () => { ... }); // all pages found are crawled and loaded
Event data
returns the following data:
url: '',
result: {
requestMethod: 'HEAD', // or GET for html-page
statusCode: 200,
headers: {
server: 'Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)',
'content-type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'
// and other headers
body: '<html>...</html>', // html content
links: [ // found links in html content, for 301 only one item
href: '/other/path', // value attr href in html page
url: '' // full internal links, for external is false
// other found links
Application finds all the URLs and outputs to the console the server response code and the full URL of the document.
node examples/simple-app.js
const Crawler = require('../crawler');
const domain = process.argv[2];
const crawler = new Crawler(domain);
crawler.on('data', (data) => console.log(data.result.statusCode, data.url));
crawler.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
crawler.on('end', () => console.log(`Finish! All urls on domain ${domain} a crawled!`));
Application looks for links on all pages of the site and saves their statuses in the csv-file. Thus, you can find bad internal links.
node examples/check-ex-links-on-domain.js
const fs = require('fs');
const Crawler = require('../crawler');
const domain = process.argv[2];
const crawler = new Crawler({
timeout: 500,
const siteTree = { pages: [], urls: {}, redirects: {} };
const getFinalStatusCodeOfRedirects = (url) => {
if (/30\d/.test(siteTree.urls[url])) return getFinalStatusCodeOfRedirects(siteTree.redirects[url]);
return siteTree.urls[url];
crawler.on('data', (data) => {
siteTree.urls[data.url] = data.result.statusCode;
url: data.url,
links: data.result.links,
process.stdout.write(`\r${crawler.countOfProcessedUrls} out of ${crawler.foundLinks.size}`);
if (/30\d/.test(data.result.statusCode) && data.result.links[0].url) siteTree.redirects[data.url] = data.result.links[0].url;
crawler.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
crawler.on('end', () => {
const resultFilePath = `${__dirname}/${domain}.csv`;
fs.writeFileSync(resultFilePath, 'url;href;status\r\n');
siteTree.pages.forEach((page, pageIndex) => {
const urlOfPage = siteTree.pages[pageIndex].url;
siteTree.pages[pageIndex].links.forEach((link, linkIndex) => {
const urlOfLink = siteTree.pages[pageIndex].links[linkIndex].url;
if (urlOfLink) {
const hrefOfLink = siteTree.pages[pageIndex].links[linkIndex].href;
const statusCodeOfLink = (/30\d/.test(siteTree.urls[urlOfLink])) ? getFinalStatusCodeOfRedirects(urlOfLink) : siteTree.urls[urlOfLink];
if (statusCodeOfLink) {
fs.appendFileSync(resultFilePath, `"${urlOfPage}";"${hrefOfLink}";"${statusCodeOfLink}"\r\n`);
console.log(`\r\nFinish! All ${crawler.foundLinks.size} links on pages on domain ${domain} a checked!`);
Application downloads all the html-pages of the site by sorting them into folders.
node examples/save-pages.js
const fs = require('fs');
const url = require('url');
const Crawler = require('../crawler');
const domain = process.argv[2];
const crawler = new Crawler({
timeout: 500,
crawler.on('data', (data) => {
if (!data.url || !data.result.body) return false;
const urlString = data.url;
const html = data.result.body;
const urlObject = url.parse(urlString);
const pathArray = urlObject.pathname.split('/');
let path = `${__dirname}/${domain}`;
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) fs.mkdirSync(path);
for (let i = 1; i < pathArray.length; i += 1) {
if (i !== pathArray.length - 1) {
path = `${path}/${pathArray[i]}`;
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) fs.mkdirSync(path);
} else {
path = (pathArray[i]) ? `${path}/${pathArray[i].replace(/\.html?$/, '')}` : `${path}/index`;
path = (urlObject.query) ? `${path}-${urlObject.query}.html` : `${path}.html`;
fs.writeFileSync(path, html);
console.log('saved', urlString);
return true;
crawler.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
crawler.on('end', () => console.log(`All pages a saved in folder ${__dirname}/${domain}!`));