(Make sure python and pip are up to date)
Download Python3 - https://python.org Download and sign into Github Desktop (easiest to use) - https://desktop.github.com/
- Pull the repository: https://github.com/SutherlandB/AIOPlanner into a local folder using the Clone Repository option
- Open a terminal and change your working directory to the git repository folder
- Check the branch you are in... if it doesn't say main, use this command --> "git checkout main" if you are in git bash or switch the branch to main if you are using a Git GUI
- In a terminal, make sure your working directory is the AIOPlanner repository under the main branch(previous step). Type this command: source env/Scripts/activate If windows: .\env\Scripts\activate is VSC terminal
- Install Flask and Flask Alchemy: pip3 install flask flask-sqlalchemy
- Test the application by typing python3 app.py or python app.py (depending on your python version)
- To see the app in your web browser, run that in localhost:
If you do not have Python and pip installed --> "python command not found" or "pip command not found":
Go to Python website: https://www.python.org Download Python [photo] Check your version to see if it is installed properly --> python3 --version
If you are having issues, reach out to me: [email protected]