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Ajiemar Santiago edited this page May 18, 2018 · 7 revisions

The following tasks should be completed before publishing a release. Track the progress of the release by copying and pasting the tasks below into an issue for the release.

  • Update artifacts in appveyor.yml if there is a new service abstraction.
  • Merge all to develop
  • Branch to rc-[version] rc-1.0.0
  • Draft release with version in the format of v1.3.0 targeting 'master'. Standard release should be named using the format Watson Developer Cloud .NET Standard SDK v1.3.0
  • Update changelog
  • Update dependencies and nuget badge in readme files to updated version (Nuget badge is the first line of the readme, search for dependencies for the dependency version)
  • Update PROJECT_NUMBER in Doxyfile to current version
  • Update SDK_VERSION in src/IBM.WatsonDeveloperCloud/Constants.cs
  • Update version and dependencies in all .csproj files. I do this manually by searching the entire solution for the last version and changing to the current version in case some dependency has a version overlap.
  • PR to merge rc branch to master
  • Publish release. This should tag release using format v1.3.0. This will trigger a build and update documentation. If the release build fails in AppVeyor, rebuild commit.
  • PR to merge rc branch to development
  • If it's a major or breaking release, on the development branch, revise version in appveyor.yml to the next version.
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