DEPRECATED: this repo is no longer actively maintained. It can still be used as reference, but may contain outdated or unpatched code.
Episode 1 : Application Shell and Language Identification
This episode guides you through the process of creating Django and Flask application shells, how to debug, switch on logging and consume the Watson Language Identification service using the python SDK.
Episode 2 : Language Translator
This episode shows how to use the Language Translator service to identify available translations and if available translate the submitted text into a language that your application is able to process.
Episode 3 : Natural Language Classification
This episode shows how to use the Natural Language service to identify an intent or meaning as a classification of of the submitted text.
Episode 4 : REST API
This episode shows how to wrap the application functionality into a REST API that can be used by other applications as well as asynchronously from the web browser.
Episode 5 : Credential Store
This episode shows how to utilise the environment variables that Bluemix makes available to read in the service credentials.
This episode shows how to determine the keywords and entities in the submitted text.