This repo was formerly the combined home of all files for the Bricktronics project (, including hardware (circuit board designs), software (Arduino libraries), and models (LEGO models). In summer 2015 this repo was split into three, with this repo left as the software repo. However, at the same time we have split the original Bricktronics library for Arduino into multiple libraries (one for each motor/sensor type), so this repo is really more of a historical reference of the original release of the software libraries.
The hardware and model repositories are now located here:
- BricktronicsHardware - Design files for the circuit boards we made
- BricktronicsModels - The files for various LEGO models
This is a possibly-incomplete list of the new individual Bricktronics software libraries.
- BricktronicsShield – Support for the Bricktronics Shield
- BricktronicsMegashield – Support for the Bricktronics Megashield
- BricktronicsMotor – Support for NXT 2.0 and EV3 servomotors
- BricktronicsLight – Support for NXT monochrome light sensor
- BricktronicsColor – Support for color sensors
- BricktronicsSound – Support for sound sensors
- BricktronicsButton – Support for pushbutton sensors
- BricktronicsUltrasonic – Support for the NXT 2.0 ultrasonic sensor
Here's the description of these historical files:
Bricktronics - The Arduino library for the Bricktronics Shield.
BricktronicsMegashield - The Arduino library for the Bricktronics Megashield.
Releases - Contains ZIP archives of the two libraries above, released on specific dates. Mostly for historical interest.
DrummerBot - An Arduino sketch for a cool project featured in a Make Magazine blog post.
Wayne and Layne, LLC and our products are not connected to or endorsed by the LEGO Group. LEGO, Mindstorms, and NXT are trademarks of the LEGO Group.