Wazuh v4.2.5 - Kibana v7.13.2
Wazuh v4.2.5 - Kibana 7.10.2, 7.11.2, 7.12.1, 7.13.0-4, 7.14.0-2 - Revision 4206
Support for Kibana 7.13.0
, 7.13.1
, 7.13.2
, 7.13.3
, 7.13.4
, 7.14.0
, 7.14.1
, 7.14.2
Hide the telemetry
banner #3709
Fixed compatibility Wazuh 4.2 - Kibana 7.13.4 #3653
Fixed interative register windows agent screen error #3654
Fixed breadcrumbs style compatibility for Kibana 7.14.2 #3668
Fixed Wazuh token is not removed after logout in Kibana 7.13 #3670
Fixed Group Configuration and Management configuration error after trying to going back after you save #3672
Fixing EuiPanels in Overview Sections and disabled text in WzMenu #3674
Fixing double flyout clicking in a policy #3676
Fixed error conflict setting kibana settings from the health check #3678
Fixed compatibility to get the valid index patterns and refresh fields for Kibana 7.10.2-7.13.4 3681
Fixed wrong redirect after login 3701
Fixed error getting the index pattern data when there are no attributes.fields
in the saved object 3689
You can’t perform that action at this time.