Create social virtual worlds that anyone can interact with using Virtual Personas, a self-sovereign identity.
npm install --save holonet
yarn add holonet
And then import it using ES2015 Modules, CommonJS or with a <script>
import * as holonet from 'holonet';
const holonet = require('holonet');
<script src="./node_modules/holonet/build/holonet.script.js"></script>
The library provides a set of entities to help create your virtual world, the two most important ones being Scene and VirtualPersona
Here's the list:
Imports a GLTF Scene and renders it to an HMD
Imports a GLTF avatar model that could be your single identity to transverse the WebVR metaverse. Also provides movement and animation mechanics
Possible small physics library
You can check out the API in our JSDoc
Currently, holonet is dependent on several third party libraries:
- Three.js: Most used WebGL library
- Three.VRControls: VR Controls helper from Three.JS
- Three.VREffect: WebVR helper to render to an HMD
- WebVR Polyfill: Polyfill for mobile devices
- uport-connect: Underlying identity system that Virtual Personas is currently based on