#Frontend services for PMB 2017 Web Platform
This project is initiated with React Boilerplate, see docs folder or visit their repo for further documentations and issues.
Tech used:
- React
- Redux
- Redux-saga
- React-router
- Styled-components
- Superagent
- ServiceWorker
- Eslint
Installation and how-tos:
- Install NPM and Yarn
- Clone this repository and go to the folder
- Run
to install dependencies - Run
yarn start
to run this repository locally - If you want to add new component or container run
yarn generate
and follow the steps - You can ask further questions and errors you encounter to line: kennydharmawan and Google.
Development flows:
- New Feature or functionality:
git pull origin master
git checkout {FEATURE_NAME}
- Develop your feature on that branch, do commits as usual
- When finished, do
git fetch origin master
to update your local master and dogit merge master
in your branch, fix any conflicts that arise - After fixing conflicts (if there are any), submit a pull request
- Hotfix:
git pull origin master
- Fix problem in master, commit and push when done