YETI-Stack is a Foundation for Apps powered Fullstack.
- stateless authentication via JWT
- rolebased Authorization
- modular frontend and backend
- optional use of frontmatter
- signup for users
- forgot password function
- responsive emails with ZURB-INK and handlebars templates
- configurable for different enviroments with .env files
- fast and easy builtprocess with gulp
- automatic annotation of Angularcontrollers
- stylesheets compiled with lightning fast gulp-sass
- livereload in development
You'll need the following software installed to get started.
- Node.js: Use the installer provided on the NodeJS website.
- MongoDB:Use the installer for your OS.
- Git: Use the installer for your OS.
- Windows users can also try Git for Windows.
- Gulp and Bower: Run
[sudo] npm install -g gulp bower
git clone
cd ./yeti-stack
npm install
bower install
- rename default.env to .env
and fill in your enviromentvariables npm start
- open http://localhost:3000 in your browser
To create an administrative Account just run the following command from the project-root.
node createAdmin.js username password email
and replace username password and email with your account Details.