This invoicing API for Zorro Inc. Invoicing service for all the just and brave.
- GET /invoices/:companyId - Gets all the invoices for the given company latest first
- GET /invoices/:companyId/paid - Gets all PAID invoices for the given company
- POST /invoices/:companyId - Creates new OPEN invoice
- DELETE /invoices/:companyId/:invoiceId - Deletes given invoice
- PUT /invoice/:companyId/:invoiceId - Updates given invoie
- PUT /invoice/:companyId/:invoiceId/paid - Marks invoice paid
To run the test suite
docker-compose up
To run the live server
docker-compose -f docker-compose-run.yml -f docker-compose.yml up
The dynamoDB admin can found at http://localhost:5555 The invoice api is running at http://localhost:7777