Reads stdin data, creates a temporary file that can be used by programs that accept file arguments but not stdin. This program simply prints the resulting temporary file's path, so that it can be used as an argument.
Highlight stdinfile's source with pygments
, and view in google-chrome
pygments -l python -f html -O full | google-chrome "$(stdinfile)"
Compare the difference between shfmt's output and the original script using meld
shfmt | meld "$(stdinfile)"
Save command output to a temporary file, for use later.
myfile="$(ls | stdinfile)"
echo "$myfile"
# Output: /tmp/stdinfile.kawk3fe1.tmp
cat "$myfile"
# Output: <whatever ls printed>
stdinfile [-h | -v]
stdinfile [-d dir] [-e ext]
-d dir,--dir dir : Temporary directory to use.
Default: /tmp
-e ext,--extension ext : Extension for temporary file.
Default: .tmp
-h,--help : Show this help message.
-v,--version : Show version.
This script requires the docopt
It is installable with pip
pip install docopt
Clone this repo and symlink this script somewhere in $PATH
git clone
cd stdinfile
# Assuming ~/.local/bin is in your $PATH:
ln -s "$PWD/" ~/.local/bin/stdinfile