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Due by August 31, 2025 0% complete

Next major version which targets CDI 4.1.
The release date is dependent on that of CDI and its Weld implementation - likely to happen by the end of 2023.

This version should rework the extension in a more JUnit-friendly way where Weld provides test instance as a bean.
However, this is going to be a breaking change for existing application using the WeldIn…

Next major version which targets CDI 4.1.
The release date is dependent on that of CDI and its Weld implementation - likely to happen by the end of 2023.

This version should rework the extension in a more JUnit-friendly way where Weld provides test instance as a bean.
However, this is going to be a breaking change for existing application using the WeldInitiator approach.

There are no closed issues in this milestone.

Issues will automatically be moved here when they are closed.