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laras20 authored Jan 15, 2025
1 parent 6c0b702 commit db45e6b
Showing 1 changed file with 194 additions and 0 deletions.
194 changes: 194 additions & 0 deletions Arabic/MS_Arabic_131.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
<TEI xmlns="" xml:id="manuscript_15776">
<title>MS Arabic 131</title>
<title type="collection">Wellcome Collection</title>
<respStmt xml:id="AZI">
<resp when="1967">Cataloguer</resp>
<persName>A. Z. Iskandar</persName>
<respStmt xml:id="LS">
<resp when="2022">Template</resp>
<resp when="2025">TEI Encoder</resp>
<persName>Lara Salha</persName>
<publisher>Wellcome Collection</publisher>
<orgName type="institution">Wellcome Collection</orgName>
<street>215 Euston Rd</street>
<postCode>NW1 2BE</postCode>
<email>[email protected]</email>
<idno type="msID">MS Arabic 131</idno>
<idno type="catalogue">A catalogue of Arabic manuscripts on medicine and science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library</idno>
<licence><!-- Licensing statement to come in late-stage editing --></licence>

<country>United Kingdom</country>
<institution>Wellcome Collection</institution>
<repository>Wellcome Library</repository>
<idno type="shelfmark">MS Arabic 131</idno>
<altIdentifier type="former">
<idno>WMS. Or. 131</idno>
<altIdentifier type="Sierra">
<altIdentifier type="accession">

<summary>A medical treatise, with index included on folio 2v.</summary>
<textLang mainLang="ar">Arabic</textLang>
<msItem n="" xml:id="WMS_Arabic_131">

<author key="person_311815978">
<persName xml:lang="eng" type="standard">Ṣāliḥ Ibn Naṣr Allāh al-Ḥalabī Ibn Sallūm </persName>
<persName xml:lang="ar" type="original">صالح بن نصرالله الحلبي بن سلّوم</persName>

<title xml:lang="ar" type="original">غاية الإتقان في تدبير بدن الإنسان</title>
<title xml:lang="ar-Latn-x-lc" type="standard">Ghayat-l-Itqan fi tadbir badan-l-insan</title>
<title xml:lang="en" type="standard">Thoroughness in treatment of the human body</title>

<textLang otherLangs=""> <!-- Insert other languages if there are any here --></textLang>

...الحمد لله الذى زيّن عقولنا بجواهر الحكم الديعة وسرج عيون بصائرنا في رياض علم الطبيعة وأرشدنا إلى معرفة حفظ الصحة...

.ويسقى هذه الفادزهرات مدة أربعين يوما حتى يؤمن من خوف الماء...
.وإذا شرب أكثر من ذلك كان صوبا
.هذا آخر ماورد الكلام من علم الأبدان والأجسام


<objectDesc form="codex">
<supportDesc material="paper">
<support><p><!-- Sometimes the type of paper will be described aka 'Oriental paper' --></p></support>

<dimensions unit="mm" type="leaf">
<dim type="diameter">215mm</dim>
<dim type="length">150mm</dim>
<dimensions unit="mm" type="written">
<dim type="diameter">80mm</dim>
<dim type="length">160mm</dim>

<catchwords> <!-- Any information about catchwords here --> </catchwords>

<label>Folios:</label> 350 foll.
<formula><!-- Use to record the quire structure of the manuscript, if available --></formula>
<signatures><!-- Use to record quire signatures, if available --></signatures>

<condition>Good. B.</condition>

<layout writtenLines="27">27</layout>


<handNote script="naskh" scope="major">
<p><label>Script:</label> Naskh</p>
<p><label>Ink:</label> Black and red</p>
<persName xml:lang="eng" type="standard">'Abd al-Baqi bin Ali</persName>
<persName xml:lang="ar" type="original">عبد الباقي بن علي</persName>

<decoNote type="rubrication">Rubrications in red</decoNote>
<p><!-- Insert additional information here, but not information that goes outside of the tags such as space ratio etc. More so information relating to folios --></p>
<p><!-- Insert binding information here --></p>

<origDate calendar="Hijri">1133 A.H.</origDate>
<origDate calendar="Gregorian">1720 A.D.</origDate>
<provenance>Known owners: 'Abd-Allah Tahrir (a physician, 1770 A.D.), Muhammad Muradi bin Hasan (a physician, 1911 A.D.), Ahmad bin Husain (a physician, 1950 A.D.) and Muhammad Beram at-Tunisi
Bought in Paris on 6th August 1912 for £1 7s.
<title>A catalogue of Arabic manuscripts on medicine and science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library</title>
<author>A.Z. Iskandar</author>
<note>Page 97.</note>
<availability status="free">
<custEvent><!-- Add dates and repeat elements and delete as needed,
using the from and to attributes to record date ranges such as for exhibitions.
The type attribute is open, which means you can record any category, such as 'conservation', 'loan', 'inventory', etc.--></custEvent>
<p><!--Body paragraph provided for validation and future transcription--></p>

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