Security Update(s):
- Drupal Core
- Linkit
- Services
Performance Update(s)
- Addition of core patch for module_implements() verified static cache.
- Performance improvements (Panels Plugins and i18n)
- Stabilization of deployment related modules to official release
- Workbench Moderation improvements
- (Commit: 67998b2) Spelling mistake for theme declaration.
- (Commit: 097e8db) Prepare for 1.9 release.
- (Commit: 9530015) Fixed WetKit Pages for Fix use of hardcoded layout name.
- (Commit: 9b96886) Fixed WetKit Theme for Fix for hidden themes displaying on install.
- (Commit: 6ca2313) Update CHANGELOG.md file.
- (Commit: b98c10b) Fixed WetKit Core for Fix for invalid CTools string context.
- (Commit: 735121c) Fixed WetKit Admin for Fix for invalid contexts causing ctools missing string.
- (Commit: 62ddde1) Fixed WetKit Theme for Fix for hidden themes displaying on install.
- (Commit: a71f941) Fixed WetKit Images for Fix incorrect label for view modes.
- (Commit: 4e8a32b) Update CHANGELOG.md file.
- (Commit: faa8b69) Fixed WetKit Core for #2352895 - Pathauto Persist?
- (Commit: 430d09c) Update CHANGELOG.md file.
- (Commit: 1542376) Fixed WetKit Core for #2423861 - Updates for WetKit Core (1.9, 4.0-beta2)
- (Commit: 6731667) Fixed WetKit Widgets for #2458841 - Features Module 2.4 changes
- (Commit: 380f7d9) Fixed WetKit Users for #2458841 - Features Module 2.4 changes
- (Commit: dc7da9f) Fixed WetKit Images for #2458841 - Features Module 2.4 changes
- (Commit: 6705d70) Fixed WetKit Core for #2458841 - Features Module 2.4 changes
- (Commit: d7e7373) Fixed WetKit Bean for #2458841 - Features Module 2.4 changes
- (Commit: 3c1c21b) Fixed WetKit Deployment for #2449043 - batch deployment regression > wetkit 1.2 < 4.x dev
- (Commit: dcdee32) Fixed WetKit Deployment for #2450967 - remove conflicting css
- (Commit: 3984d0d) Fixed WetKit Core for #2423861 - Updates for WetKit Core (1.9, 4.0-beta2)
- (Commit: 4ae4906) Fixed WetKit Deployment for #2136621 - improve usability of wetkit_deployment
- (Commit: c01c353) Fixed WetKit Core for #2447305 - add new term reference of type hierarchical_select
- (Commit: a53110e) #2456355 - Drupal 7.35 released
- (Commit: 70354fc) Fixed WetKit Bean for #2449035 - Wetkit Search Bean - Placeholder text not working
- (Commit: 31f4488) Fixed WetKit Core for #2423861 - Updates for WetKit Core (1.9, 4.0-beta2)
- (Commit: d1e2995) Fixed WetKit WYSIWYG for #2447395 - Allow linkit for taxonomy terms
- (Commit: f50ee31) Fixed WetKit Ember for #2447297 - admin/modules screen and Ember theme
- (Commit: 1565b9a) Remove .gitignore file.
- (Commit: 49b3b65) Fixed WetKit Omega for #2446627 - Linkit and Media dialogs open behind CKEditor in fullscreen mode
- (Commit: eacb563) Fixed WetKit Theme for Move burr_flipped_flexible to wetkit_theme folder.
- (Commit: 2798aae) Fixed WetKit Panel Layouts for Move burr_flipped_flexible to wetkit_theme folder.
- (Commit: 9312c3b) Delete .gitignore file.
- (Commit: a841b3b) Update CHANGELOG.md file.
- (Commit: ff9da11) Fixed WetKit Admin for #2445137 - Clear link placement problem on Modules admin page
- (Commit: 8ce6a95) Fixed WetKit WYSIWYG for #2444357 - Codemirror Activeline not displaying correctly
- (Commit: 5538dce) Fixed WetKit Deployment for #2142137 - menu link deployment - correctly deploying menu items in a language other than the current interface or current context
- (Commit: 3fbf523) Fixed WetKit Bean for #2442793 - Twitter bean custom CSS does not render
- (Commit: aa8ad8b) Fixed WetKit Core for #2442731 - Entity API 7.x-1.6 released
- (Commit: 168b09a) Fixed WetKit Core for #2432913 - warning messages from hierarchical_select and features
- (Commit: 879fb94) Fixed WetKit Search for #2423961 - Updates for WetKit Widgets (1.9, 4.0-beta2)
- (Commit: b4f2144) Fixed WetKit Core for #2423861 - Updates for WetKit Core (1.9, 4.0-beta2)
- (Commit: f69c712) Fixed WetKit Admin for #2423955 - Updates for WetKit Admin (1.9, 4.0-beta2)
- (Commit: ba1e694) Fixed WetKit Deployment for #2089133 - Cannot create a new menu when Wetkit Deployment Source is enabled and configured
- (Commit: cac17b8) #2427429 - Drupal core performance if menu item is hidden skip it
- (Commit: 50cd0cf) #2427399 - drupal core performance inline-file_uri_scheme
- (Commit: edce880) Fixed WetKit Core for #2427411 - wetkit core performance link why is reloading the entity
- (Commit: 4dd4748) Populate changelog preparing for release.
- (Commit: 48fa88d) Fixed WetKit Core for Fix for CTools undefined string context.
- (Commit: a9cba89) Fixed WetKit Menu for Improve performance with minipanels + theme registry.
- (Commit: eb7d201) Addition of core patch for module_implements() verified static cache.
- (Commit: 35d7258) Fixed WetKit Core for #2423861 - Updates for WetKit Core (1.9, 4.0-beta2)
- (Commit: 39c50ad) Fixed WetKit Language for #2394485 - Menu link translations are not being linked together
- (Commit: 3358bcb) Fixed WetKit Deployment for #2424241 - Updates for WetKit Deployment (1.9, 4.0-beta2)
- (Commit: 6be4431) Fixed WetKit Core for #2423861 - Updates for WetKit Core (1.9, 4.0-beta2)
- (Commit: 8d0a888) Fixed WetKit Deployment for #2424241 - Updates for WetKit Deployment (1.9, 4.0-beta2)
- (Commit: f796dfd) Fixed WetKit Deployment for #2424241 - Updates for WetKit Deployment (1.9, 4.0-beta2)
- (Commit: 69306ad) Fixed WetKit Deployment for #2424241 - Updates for WetKit Deployment (1.9, 4.0-beta2)
- (Commit: 577f885) Fixed WetKit Deployment for #2424241 - Updates for WetKit Deployment (1.9, 4.0-beta2)
- (Commit: 5c4381a) Fixed WetKit Core for Update features from version 2.2 to 2.3
- (Commit: a90e49c) Fixed WetKit Search for #2423961 - Updates for WetKit Widgets (1.9, 4.0-beta2)
- (Commit: a0c9214) Fixed WetKit Widgets for #2423959 - Updates for WetKit Widgets (1.9, 4.0-beta2)
- (Commit: 4e227a7) Fixed WetKit WYSIWYG for #2423955 - Updates for WetKit Admin (1.9, 4.0-beta2)
- (Commit: a8aacae) Fixed WetKit Core for #2423861 - Updates for WetKit Core (1.9, 4.0-beta2)
- (Commit: 966c76b) Fixed WetKit Admin for #2423855 - Updates for WetKit Admin (1.9, 4.0-beta2)
- (Commit: c554b24) Fixed WetKit Language for #2423755 - Update i18n to recent version 1.12
- (Commit: ae06b2f) Fixed WetKit Bean for #2404271 - Patch for bean as entity reference
- (Commit: 7b2cac1) Fixed WetKit Breadcrumbs for #2423763 - Update Path Breadcrumbs to version 3.2
- (Commit: 1e1867c) Fixed WetKit Language for #2423755 - Update i18n to recent version 1.12
- (Commit: 71c548f) Fixed WetKit Core for #2423703 - Update CTools to 1.6 and Panels to 3.5
- (Commit: 954dfa8) Fixed WetKit Core for #2418803 - Fatal error when using with CTools 1.6 and Panels 3.5
- (Commit: b7951cc) Fixed WetKit Core for #2145555 - CTools Contexts are missing UUID support
- (Commit: 8dcfaeb) Fixed WetKit WYSIWYG for #2421111 - Line Wrapping in WYSISWYG codemirror
- (Commit: 0765449) Fixed WetKit Core for Update default config to latest release.
- (Commit: 9486ba9) Fixed WetKit WET-BOEW for Simple condition check as wrong to TRUE to libraries_get_path in context.
- (Commit: a193885) Fixed WetKit Core for Move wetkit_update into modules directory.
- (Commit: a975cc9) Fixed WetKit Core for #2363135 - upgrade uuid
- (Commit: 4aad848) Fixed WetKit Widgets for #2416811 - Media module recent commits forces z-index .ui-front
- (Commit: 167374a) Fixed WetKit Core for #2418725 - Multiple taxonomies lost when using preview button (Update HS)
- (Commit: 6b672e0) Update WetKit Panel Layouts for #2414657 - Adding more flexible backend layout
- (Commit: 4cdf9aa) Fixed WetKit Omega for #2417371 - File (document/images/etc) icon display inteferes with wet-boew
- (Commit: 00d8331) Fixed WetKit Core for #2149943 - View Draft not displaying correct revision
- (Commit: b7dced1) Update WetKit WYSIWYG for #2399603 - Wetkit translation patches
- (Commit: 74a6111) Update WetKit Search for #2399603 - Wetkit translation patches
- (Commit: 3337b18) Update WetKit Migration for #2399603 - Wetkit translation patches
- (Commit: ac1894f) Update WetKit Metatag for #2399603 - Wetkit translation patches
- (Commit: 144d78a) Update WetKit Deployment for #2399603 - Wetkit translation patches
- (Commit: 2b0680d) Update WetKit Core for #2399603 - Wetkit translation patches
- (Commit: d7fc081) Update WetKit WET-BOEW for #2324237 - dist folder temporarily doesn't exist during gui install
- (Commit: 08fc892) Update WetKit Core for #2282933 - Menu Block support UUID
- (Commit: d09f787) Update WetKit Language for #2394391 - Performance improvements (Panels Plugins and i18n)
- (Commit: 13bf325) Update WetKit Core for #2394391 - Performance improvements (Panels Plugins and i18n)
- (Commit: fa63c39) Update WetKit Ember for FIx for ember images not being compressed.
- (Commit: 044c662) Update WetKit Omega for #2406769 - Composite form elements, 'for' attributes and labelable elements fix
- (Commit: efc4070) Update WetKit Core for #2405993 - Hierarchical select on edit form in bootstrap fails - server error
- (Commit: d1bd658) Update WetKit Core for #2389507 - Reverting a revision publishes it (workbench_moderation)
- (Commit: 643d0dc) Start work on next release.
- (Commit: ad7a852) Point responsinator to live demo site.
- (Commit: 737a807) Point responsinator to live demo site.