Some examples on using python. I created this repository to learn or refresh myself on the Python language. You can view the blog post on it at -
Variables, types, printing, concatenation, comments.
Lists, printing lists, appending lists, getting values from a list
Arithmetic operations. Addition, multiplication, subtraction, division and modulus. Add multiplying variables and list.
String formating and some tuples. Formating decimal, floats and lists.
String functions. Len, index, spliting, endswith, join, format, partition.
Conditional statements. If and if else. Boolean operations and if in. Is statement.
Loops. For loop. Range function. While loop.
Functions. Function parameters.
Classes. Init statement. Creating methods. Create a class object.
Dictionary. Creating dictionaries. Loop through dictionaries. Del and pop statements.
Import statements.
Sample file for testing imports.
Sample file for special import
Sample file for special import
Requests two inputs from the user and multiplies them.
Simulates some banking account features.
A simple chat application.
Writes a file based on input line by line.
Gets the title of a inputed website.