Simple utility program for including compiled lua code in C projects.
Most of this is covered by luac, but in order to wrap the resulting binary data in a c header it seemed easier to just do the compilation directly. Key benefit is that the length of the chunk is returned as part of the lua_dump process plus the process of compiling is dead simple.
Principally this is useful in a context where you don't have a FS and can't use fopen fwrite libc functions. This is relevant to the crow project running on an Cortex-M microcontroller with no FS.
Usage: lua2h <output_file>.h <input_file>.lua
Makes a separate header file for each lua file, each containing:
#pragma once
char[] output_file = {the, chunks};
int output_file_len = length;
Your program can then just #include <output_file>.h
then use
#include <output_file.h>
luaL_loadbuffer(L, <output_file>
, <output_file_len>
, "output_file"