This project use Scriban to create a template engine for AdaptiveCards
Using adaptive cards website we can have a json with data binding. A non technical person can create a complex adaptive card using only WYSIWYG !! But a technical person need to integrate this JSON inside an application. To do so you need an engine that can parse and interpret the json to send it using the bot framework.
Microsoft already provide a template engine but it does not have the following requirements :
- Include other templates in one template (usefull to separate your template in small parts)
- I18n function : We don't want to have a template per language, so we must have a way to translate part of the template
- JSON helpers : To have a reliable way of adding variable inside the json they must be encoded using json helpers
Add-Package MsTeams.TemplateEngine
Add-Package Microsoft.Extensions.Localization
In Startup.cs
add in ConfigureServices
public class ProductController
readonly AdaptiveCardTemplateEngine engine;
public ProductController(AdaptiveCardTemplateEngine engine)
this.engine = engine;
public void Show()
var template = engine.ParseFile("Product/show.tjson");
var card = engine.RenderToAdaptiveCard(template, new { id = 5, title = "Chorizo", price = 5.99 });
// Send card to MsTeams using Bot Framework
The document syntax is available on Scriban page
You can include a template in a template.
Folder structure
├── main.tjson
└── myinclude.tjson
Include syntax
include 'myinclude.tjson'
Extension is not mandatory, if not provided it will use the includer extension
include 'myinclude'
The template loader will look in a folder call Shared
if the template is not algonside the current template.
Folder structure
├── main.tjson
└── Shared/
└── myinclude.tjson
Include syntax
include 'myinclude'
Also it will look in descendent folder for a Shared
containing your template
Folder structure
├── Views/
│ └── Product/
│ └── main.tjson
└── Shared/
└── myinclude.tjson
Include syntax
include 'myinclude'
To encode a value to json you must use the json
var result = engine.Render(template, new { label = "LabelContent" });
Template :
"label": {{ json label }}
Output :
"label": "LabelContent"
var result = engine.Render(template, new { data = new { label = "LabelContent" } });
Template :
"content": {{ json data }}
Output :
"content": {
"label": "LabelContent"
We use the .Net Localization mechanism IStringLocalizer
and IStringLocalizerFactory
To get a localized string, you must first declare at the assembly from where the resx will be loaded using tAssembly 'AssemblyName'
And then you can get a translated string by using the t
function : t 'TranslateKeyInResx'
{{ tAssembly 'MsTeamsTemplatingEngine.Tests' }}
"label": "{{ t 'TestKey' }}"
See LocalizeTests for full example
This is tightly linked to Whyse routing system for MsTeams action.
When using adaptive cards you can get the full data
payload for an invoke submit action using the invokeSubmitData
Code :
var result = engine.Render(template, new { productData = new { productId = 5 } });
Template :
"type": "ActionSet",
"actions": [
"title": "Buy Product",
"type": "Action.Submit",
"style": "positive",
"id": "send",
{{ invokeSubmitData '/product/buy' productData }}
"type": "ActionSet",
"actions": [
"title": "Buy Product",
"type": "Action.Submit",
"style": "positive",
"id": "send",
"data": {
"msteams": {
"type": "invoke",
"value": {
"action": "/product/buy",
"productId": 5