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Hidden Missions

widberg edited this page Jan 14, 2024 · 15 revisions

In addition to the Indian Missions, there are 3 "hidden" missions that do not belong to a hub and must be found in freeride. Unlike the Indian Missions, no files need to be edited to access these, they are uncommented and in the same file as the normal career races, GameTsc\Story\miss_official.tsc. Like the Indian Missions, these behave like edited races.

A video for each of the hidden missions can be found in the FUEL (2009) Asobo - Hidden Missions playlist, or by clicking on the image in each section.


Located in the Firemoor Fields region. Start gate at (47186.960938, 593.490601, 28920.480469). EMD_HideStartEnd is used, so the gates are invisible. The CR42-Chec-* mission that is actually used in the game is CR42-Chec-CT, the "SUNTOWER SPEEDWAY" career race in Firemoor Fields.

CR42-Chec-BJ Thumbnail


Located in the Stargazers' Heights region. Start gate at (-15805.786133, 2417.266113, 58477.617188). EMD_HideStartEnd is used, so the gates are invisible.

CR_Tutotest1 Thumbnail


Located in the Redrock Bluffs region. Start gate at (50511.191406, 1098.989746, 49937.539063). EMD_HideStartEnd is not used, so the gates are visible. The end gate for this mission is located next to the start gate for the "ROAD RAGE" career race in Redrock Bluffs.

CR_Tutotest2 Thumbnail


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