Virtual Clinic is an online clinic to connect patients and doctors (providers) remotely, via an application that allows real-time interaction between the patient and the doctor.
The project's MVP is to create an interface for the Patient, Provider and Manager to be able to register a patient, schedule an appointment, assist the patient via a video conference (Telemedicine).
The language used is C#
, with Entityframework
, razor and JavaScript FrontEnd, Bootstrap and FontAwesome Icons libaries
and others.
Features for version 1.0:
- Login and Registration
- Patient
- Provider
- Manager
- Edit profile
- Patient
- Provider
- Provider App
- Create Appointment
- Attend the Patient
- Take Medical Notes
- Video Call with Patient
- Patient App
- Book Appointment
- Chat with Doctor
- Video Call with Provider
Back-end features:
- C# .NET Framework
- Entity framework ORM
- Razor page
- Partials
- MVC project
- Dynamic page with JavaScript
- Deployed in EC2 with Cloudflare DNS and SLL encrypt Front-end features
- Bootstrap customized style
- Mobile ready (just the user)