Client implementation for communication with the Sensimity platform (
- Get the networks and beacons/geofences from the sensimity-API (see also
- Scan for beacons/geofences within a defined Sensimity network
- Handle beacon/geofences and business-rules (defined in Sensimity Dashboard)
To use this module it's necessary to use the Sensimity forks of two Appcelerator Titanium modules. The original ones are outdated and seem unmaintained.
- Android:
- iOS:
- Optionally we can also provide the geofence module on request.
The installation- and configuration description is optimized for usage via the Titanium Alloy framework.
Download the Sensimity client from the dist folder and copy it into the
directory. -
Add the following modules to the
folder:- Android (Sensimity altbeacon module):
- iOS: Sensimity TiBeacons module
Add the dependencies into the
directory, used for the connection with the Sensimity-API and to send statistics to Sensimity:- Android/iOS: reste-commonjs-1.1.8
- Android: ti.mely-android-0.1
- iOS: ti.mely-iphone-0.3
Define the modules into the tiapp.xml:
<modules> <module platform="commonjs" version="0.8.0">com.sensimity.ti.client</module> <module platform="commonjs" version="1.1.8">reste</module> <module platform="iphone" version="0.12.0">org.beuckman.tibeacons</module> <!--<module platform="iphone" version="0.5.0">com.sensimity.ti.pathsense</module>--> <module platform="iphone" version="0.3">ti.mely</module> <module platform="android" version="1.5.0">com.drtech.altbeacon</module> <!--<module platform="android" version="0.5.0">com.sensimity.ti.pathsense</module>--> <module platform="android" version="0.1">ti.mely</module> </modules>
Define a path to the backgroundService to use the module on Android:
<android xmlns:android=""> <services> <service url="services/handleBackgroundScan.js" type="standard"/> </services> </android>
Define the reason of using iBeacons
<plist> <dict> <key>NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription</key> <string>Your description for the reason of using iBeacons</string> <!-- in case of geofences --> <key>NSMotionUsageDescription</key> <string>Your description for the reason of using Geofences</string> </dict> </plist>
Setup your (
). Credentials can be requested through our contact form on: . These credentials can be used to retrieve the network information needed to integrate Sensimity in your app(s). The data-structure for Sensimity is like this:{ "global": { "sensimity": { "basicHeaderAuthUsername": "<string>", "basicHeaderAuthPassword": "<string>", "username": "<string>", "password": "<string>", // Can be found at the Sensimity-dashboard (after login) "instanceRef": "S-<hex eight characters>-<serial-number>", // necessary for android usage "backgroundService": "services/handleBackgroundScan.js", "monitoringScope": 'uuid|major|minor' // Optionally for beacons, default UUID } } }
Bootstrap the sensimity logic (only if BLE enabled):
var sensimity = require('com.sensimity.ti.client'), callback = function (successMessage) { if (!successMessage.success.ble && !successMessage.success.geofence) { console.log('sensimity start failed'); } }; if (OS_IOS) { sensimity.start({ networkId: <integer network-id> }, callback); } else if (OS_ANDROID) { sensimity.runService({ networkId: <integer network-id> }, callback); }
[ANDROID only] Define the background service. (
).:var service = Ti.Android.currentService; var serviceIntent = service.intent; var sensimity = require('com.sensimity.ti.client'); if (serviceIntent.getIntExtra('networkId', -1) !== -1) { sensimity.start({ networkId: serviceIntent.getIntExtra('networkId', -1), runInService: true, behavior: 'aggressive' }); } function stop() { service.removeEventListener('taskremoved', stop); sensimity.stop(); service.stop(); } // Stop sensimity on taskremoved service service.addEventListener('taskremoved', stop);
All of the methods are accessible by using the Sensimity Client library:
var sensimity = require('com.sensimity.ti.client');
Start scanning within a specified network (only if BLE enabled), if BLE disabled please check the callback
sensimity.start({ networkId: <integer>, runInService: true, // Optional, Android only behavior: 'aggressive|proactive' // Optional, Android only }, <success callback>);
Stop scanning every network
Check BLE supported on current device'Is BLE scanning supported: 'sensimity.isBLESupported());
Check BLE is supported and enabled on current device
sensimity.isBLEEnabled(function (enabled) {'Is BLE scanning enabled: ' + enabled); });
[ANDROID only] Put sensimity into backgroundmode scanning
[ANDROID only] Put sensimity into foregroundmode scanning back again
Sensimity client
// Get networks sensimity.client.getNetworks({ networkId: <integer> });
To handle the triggered Business Rules and to handle the detected iBeacons, use the following eventListeners:
Handle triggered Business rule
Ti.App.addEventListener('sensimity:beacon', function (e) { e = { beacon: <Detected beacon data>, knownBeacon: <Beacon known from Sensimity>, eventType: <enterregion|exitregion|ranging> }; });
Handle triggered Business rule
Ti.App.addEventListener('sensimity:businessrule', function (e) { e = { businessRule: <Triggered business rule>, beacon: <Detected beacon data>, knownBeacon: <Beacon known from Sensimity> }; });
- @smclab for titaniumifier
- @jbeuckm for TiBeacon
- @dwk5123 for Android-Altbeacon-module
- @jasonkneen for RESTe
- @benbahrenburg for Ti.mely