This is a robocode written in perl. Inspired by original Robocode game designed for Java. It is fun and easy way to write your fist lines of perl code.
The game consists of robots(tanks) fighting against each other in a step by step battle. Each robot can move, turn, scan for enemies and shoot them. Each robot has power which is decreased when shot is generated or a hit taken. But if your shot hit another robot he will lost the power of the shot and you will gain it.
- To run this code you need perl installed (v5.14.2 or higher) and the following modules: - Tk - Tk::PhotoRotate - AnyEvent
If you don't have these modules - follow the instructions in order to install them.
- Installing Perl::Tk module:
- For Ubuntu users: sudo apt-get install perl-tk
- Other:
- perl -MCPAN -e shell
- cpan> install Bundle::CPAN
- cpan> reload cpan
- cpan> install Tk
- Other:
- For Ubuntu users: sudo apt-get install perl-tk
Issues with Tk on MacOS are noted!
Installing Perl::Tk::PhotoRotate
- In lib directory you will find a folder Tk-PhotoRotate-1.1/
- When inside Tk-PhotoRotate-1.1:
- perl Makefile.PL
- make
- make test
- make install
Installing Perl::AnyEvent
- In lib directory you will find a folder AnyEvent-7.04/
- perl Makefile.PL
- make
- make test
- make install
- In lib directory you will find a folder AnyEvent-7.04/
To start playing with robocode first you need write your own robots. Each robot is a perl package(class)
and is placed inside robots directory. The conventions is to name the file with the robot in capitalized
cammel case. The package name must be with the name of the file. Otherwise it couldn't be loaded!
Each robot should include as as a parant Tank package which is part of the robocode core and contains basic
functionallity for your robot. To do so in each robot you should include the following line:
our @ISA = 'Tank';
Each robot should also implement two metods - step()
and enemy_spoted()
is invoked on each step of the game and enemy_spoted()
whenever an enemy tank is in range
A scaffold for robot can be found in robots/
In your code you can use:
merhod wich is inherited from Tank. This will generate a shot and decrease your power with the shoot powerset_color()
- wich will set the color for your robot; avaliable options for now are: red, green and blueget_power()
- returns the power of your robot; every generated shoot decreases your robots power with the power of the shootget_angle()
- return the angle of your robot between -360 && 360turn_left(angle)
- turns your robot left with the angle passed as argumentturn_right(angle)
- turns your robot right with the angle passed as argumentmove_forward(distance)
- moves your robot forward with the distance passed as argument; to move backward just use negative number for distanceget_x()
- return the x coordinate of your robotget_y()
- reutrn the y coordinate of your robotget_name()
- return the name of your robotcheck_enemy(x, y)
- checks if there is an enemy on the coordinates passed as argumentscheck_power()
- checks if your robot has powerset_shot_power()
- sets the power of the nex shotget_shot_x()
- return the x coordinate of your shotget_shot_y()
- return the y coordinate of your shot